Hey, lvr21! Thanks for asking! I'm worried, because I felt a little too confident for my liking walking out. I didn't seem to notice much of a change in difficulty in the MCQs. It literally seemed like almost every question was pulled straight out of the Becker text. There were a few oddball questions that I figured must have been pre-test, but not many. For sims, there were 2 very easy research questions, three very straightforward sims, and two out-of-left-field sims. Thankfully, the two crazy sims were each made up of about 7 independent questions, so I may be able to get partial credit since they weren't those sims where your next answer is based on your previous answer. It took me an hour and a half for all three MCQ testlets and another hour and a half for the sims, so I ended an hour early.
I'm concerned that I didn't read the questions carefully enough, so that I think I knew the answers but I really didn't. That could explain why the exam didn't seem to get harder. I have no idea 🙁