AUD Study Group October November 2013 - Page 25

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  • #478077

    The answer is C, because emphasis of matter always follows the opinion. If it was inadequately disclosed, you would issue a qualified or adverse opinion with the BASIS for qualification before the opinion paragraph, NOT an emphasis of matter paragraph. Since the question does not indicate inadequate disclosure or give a qualified opinion as an option, C is the correct answer.


    The answer is C, because emphasis of matter always follows the opinion. If it was inadequately disclosed, you would issue a qualified or adverse opinion with the BASIS for qualification before the opinion paragraph, NOT an emphasis of matter paragraph. Since the question does not indicate inadequate disclosure or give a qualified opinion as an option, C is the correct answer.


    @barelystayingsane, thanks for the clarification. I think I assumed that it was either qualified or adverse opinion because it said the change was significant in the question, which led me to thinking that the emphasis of matter paragraph comes before the opinion paragraph.


    @barelystayingsane, thanks for the clarification. I think I assumed that it was either qualified or adverse opinion because it said the change was significant in the question, which led me to thinking that the emphasis of matter paragraph comes before the opinion paragraph.


    Hi Guys, i'm retaking AUD on October 8th, i just finished re-reviewing chapter 3 (becker user), and I'm thinking I might not have enough time for the rest of the chapters. anyone has any thoughts how i should arrange my time for the last two weeks. I work full time. ๐Ÿ™

    thanks, ๐Ÿ™‚

    REG 83
    AUD 83
    BEC 78
    FAR 76 I'm done!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ETHICS 91

    MD licensed CPA September, 2014


    Hi Guys, i'm retaking AUD on October 8th, i just finished re-reviewing chapter 3 (becker user), and I'm thinking I might not have enough time for the rest of the chapters. anyone has any thoughts how i should arrange my time for the last two weeks. I work full time. ๐Ÿ™

    thanks, ๐Ÿ™‚

    REG 83
    AUD 83
    BEC 78
    FAR 76 I'm done!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ETHICS 91

    MD licensed CPA September, 2014


    OK, what's really throwing me off are the Review/Compilation services

    – Are they for public AND private companies?

    – what's the point of Becker saying the requirements are for private companies only, but then going on to say they're the same requirements for public companies?

    – they use SSARS, isn't that for private companies only?

    Please help?

    - passed all 4 exams on my first try using Becker!

    Ethics: TBD


    OK, what's really throwing me off are the Review/Compilation services

    – Are they for public AND private companies?

    – what's the point of Becker saying the requirements are for private companies only, but then going on to say they're the same requirements for public companies?

    – they use SSARS, isn't that for private companies only?

    Please help?

    - passed all 4 exams on my first try using Becker!

    Ethics: TBD


    Free Engagement Planning BLITZ Video:


    Free Engagement Planning BLITZ Video:


    @Geee Non-stop progress tests .. And when you don't time for those, use flashcards/review your notes. You may be a little sleep-deprived but it can be done!

    - passed all 4 exams on my first try using Becker!

    Ethics: TBD


    @Geee Non-stop progress tests .. And when you don't time for those, use flashcards/review your notes. You may be a little sleep-deprived but it can be done!

    - passed all 4 exams on my first try using Becker!

    Ethics: TBD


    @3Down1ToGo Becker did a horrible job of explaining this. Reviews and compilations under SSARs are for private companies only. Reviews of interim financials for private companies fall under SASs. Reviews of interim financials for public companies fall under PCAOB standards. You cannot perform compilations for public companies.

    I don't like how Gearty made us write in big letters “Issuers/Public Companies” at the top of the section “Reviews of interim financial information,” because the information in that section doesn't just apply to issuers.


    @3Down1ToGo Becker did a horrible job of explaining this. Reviews and compilations under SSARs are for private companies only. Reviews of interim financials for private companies fall under SASs. Reviews of interim financials for public companies fall under PCAOB standards. You cannot perform compilations for public companies.

    I don't like how Gearty made us write in big letters “Issuers/Public Companies” at the top of the section “Reviews of interim financial information,” because the information in that section doesn't just apply to issuers.


    @barelystayingsane thanks so much! the big chart at the end makes much more sense now. Not sure why they'd try to trick us like that!

    And thank you Gearty, for wasting hours of my study time..

    - passed all 4 exams on my first try using Becker!

    Ethics: TBD

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