AUD Study Group April May 2017 - Page 23

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    Welcome to the Q2 2017 CPA Exam Study Group for AUD. 🙂

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  • #1553796

    Something that came from the depths of hell.


    I'm struggling on Sampling Techniques, this sucks!


    Hi All,
    So I need some last minute advice. I am taking Audit on May 15th and I am freaking out about simulations about audit procedures for identifying errors or best procedure for future occurences. I reviewed the becker transaction cycles and feel confident on the MCQ but with simulations I get overly confused with the amount of possible answers even though I take out the most unrelated answers. On practice exams from Wiley CPAexcel I always manage to get 33% on these type of questions. How do you all go about answering these types of questions or what did you do to prepare for any simulation that came your way?


    @abig DRS stands for document review simulations


    Anyone has a logical way of remembering different reports. Becker has some mnemonics for some reports.


    Anyone has a logical way of remembering different reports. Becker has some mnemonics for some reports.


    ^ I was just going to say, Is there a cheat sheet floating around on the internet somewhere? I actually think Becker stuff is always confusing.


    Can someone explain the differences of Risk of incorrect acceptance vs Risk of assesing control risk too high, and then incorrect rejection and risk of control risk to low


    I just finished all 6 chapters (videos) of Becker!! My exam is May 30!! Do you think 16 days is enough time to work MCQs and SIMs and review my weak areas? I haven't worked any yet. I can put in about 60 hours in that time period. Should I do 60% of my time on MCQs and 40% of my time on SIMs?


    @abig so, the difference begins with identifying the type of sampling you are doing. Attributes sampling (usually identified by a yes or no answer, such as is this control authorized) deals with controls. This sampling is often used to identify if controls are working effectively. Further, attribute sampling deals with risk of assessing control risk too high/too low. Risk of assessing control risk too low would be accepting that the control is properly working when in fact it is not. You think it's fine so you say low risk of material misstatement here. You have accepted it but you shouldn't have. On the contrary, risk of assessing control risk too high is saying that a control is not working, when in fact it is. Here you are saying the control is not working so the risk is high that the control leads to a misstatement. Here, you end up doing more work because you assessed it at high risk. The most import of the two is risk of assessing control risk too low. This is more important because accepting a control & deeming it to be working when it is not, could eventually cause a material misstatement in the financials due to that control deficiency. This impacts the “effectiveness” of your testing, because you are in fact wrong in your assumption that it's working. They call this the “beta risk” because it is the more important of the two in attribute sampling. On the contrary, risk of assessing control risk too high is when you, as an auditor, say that the control is not working effectively when in fact it is. This is less important because all it means is you are going to do more, unnecessary work to come to the right conclusion that the control is in fact working. As opposed to impacting the effectiveness of your testing as I previously stated, this only impacts the efficiency of your testing as you will be doing more work which is not necessary.

    That being said, now we move on to variable sampling. The idea is very similar. To simplify it, you could re read the above paragraph, substituting the risk of assessing control risk too high for risk of incorrect rejection (efficiency), & then swapping out risk of assessing control risk too low for risk of incorrect acceptance (effectiveness). The risk of incorrect acceptance is the beta risk here (more important),because it states that you are accepting a sample to be representative of the population, when in fact it is not. I'll provide chart below to summarize this.

    Attribute sampling (used to test internal controls):
    -Risk of assessing control risk too high (impacts the efficiency of your testing)
    -Risk of assessing control risk too low (beta risk, impacts the effectiveness of your testing)

    Variables sampling:
    -Risk of incorrect rejection (impacts the efficiency of your testing)
    -Risk of incorrect acceptance (beta risk, impacts the effectiveness of your testing)

    Hope this helps! I've taken audit twice, with a 74 & a 71. I'm taking it for my third time on May 16th. I also have a year of experience now, so this is a little more clear to me now. Hopefully now mistakes were made above, I typed it quick. If you need anymore clarification just ask!



    @HERMZ89 i'm actually in need of the same help. After taking audit twice & just nearly failing both times, this has got to be my weakest area. More specifically in the TBS section. It seems like so many answers are correct due to the different interpretations each situation has. If anyone has any information on how to study for the TBS questions regarding the cycles, procedures, assertions, etc., please let me know! I'll be taking the exam in two days (May 16th). Any help is appreciated!



    I am in the same boat. This is my third attempt and need advice on sims. Are tick marks and flowcharts are important. I really am week on those. Really need advice where to focus on sims. Any advice is appreciated .Thanks!



    Tick marks could pop up as a TBS question. I'd take a second look at them, as they are easy points if you understand what you're doing. I was confused on them too but after working for a year they're much more clear. As for th flow charts, id know the process of the rev & expenditure cycle. Know the departments, & the main things that are moving through them. You don't need to know the flow chart, necessarily, but it is a good visual to show you the processes. I'd make sure you have at least those two down.



    Many thanks. Let me know your experience. Good luck!


    @jmac645 Do you not practice simulations?

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