AUD scheduled for 2/29/16- have not started studying

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    I have my AUD scheduled for 2/29/16, but I have not started studying. I have been traveling overseas on vacation, I had initially planned to study, but found it impossible and I was also not sure I passed FAR which I took in January. I got my score a few days ago and passed thankfully.

    My question is: Is about 3 weeks enough to study for AUD and pass? I plan on using Ninja MCQ and Becker. Would 3 weeks be enough to get through the Becker course? I have kids and other obligations, so I can only study at most 4 hours per day. Anyone think I should reschedule? Any response is appreciated. Thank you!

    FAR - 89
    AUD - 88
    REG - TBD
    BEC - TBD

    Using Becker and Ninja MCQ

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  • #757377

    Hey Alex,
    Honestly I am not sure if 3 weeks is enough. I have yet to take mine on Monday and I spent 5 weeks, still not feeling confident. Audit consists of a lot of little small details especially about reports. But I guess you should try your best and if you decide you don't feel ready the week prior then you can reschedule. Either way you will have to pay the reschedule fee right now so it doesn't hurt to try going over the material first. There are 6 chapters so it will be tough to crank all out in 3 weeks imo. Best of luck!



    3 weeks is pushing it, but I think it's possible. I don't know anything about Becker's course because I'm using Roger. I passed Audit in January and I didn't start studying until December 1st. I got sick and didn't study the week of Christmas that much, so I wound up studying for about 4 weeks or so altogether. I skipped some of the lectures and dove into MCQ within the first week. I don't think you could finish the entire lecture course and have enough time leftover to work MCQ's, work SIM's, and become familiar with the AL. I think the safest thing to do would be to reschedule and give yourself more time, but I don't think 3 weeks is impossible either. FWIW, I'm taking FAR on the 28th and I just started studying yesterday. 🙂

    BEC - 88 8/29/15
    REG - 82 11/14/15
    AUD - 83 1/8/16
    FAR - 80 2/29/16


    You can do it. You have to commit to studying for real here on out and be strategic in what topics to emphasize. Here's some guidance.

    You can get through AUD quickly if you're in a pinch.
    byu/examsoonugh inAccounting

    BEC - 78 (August 2015)
    FAR - 80 (November 2015)
    AUD - 73, 67. (Ok I gotta confess I was even more lazy this time around)
    REG - August 27th, 2016


    Hmm do you have any prior knowledge of audit? It took me about 5 weeks to get through all the Becker materials studying part-time, but if you decide to do it I would highly recommend skipping the lectures and using their note cards then going through MCQs. It summarizes the information nicely and honestly, their lectures are almost all highlighting. They rarely expand on the information as they sometimes have on the FAR lectures.

    FAR: 2/12
    AUD: April


    I think 3 weeks is enough for audit IF you make sure to put in 5 hours a day. 105 hours aint bad imo. Do 10 hours a day for one weekend to bump it up to 115 and you will be good.

    I am against tight scheduling because life can take you by surprise so if your NTS doesnt run out I would just schedule it for as early in may as possible


    Well you can always do Jeff's “pass in 20 days/30 days” plan. and advice from other topics, mcq' s until you are dreaming about them. Mcq's, Mcq's Mcq's……..then more mcq's. No time for lectures and video's, put your hand on the material and get it done.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    How long did you study for FAR to get the score you did? Typically folks figure about 8 weeks for it, if you did it in 5-6 weeks I'd say your study method is pretty efficient and you could pull AUD off in 3 weeks. If you prepared for FAR for more than 8 weeks I'd say you need at least 5 weeks to prepare for Aud

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    Thanks, the responses were very helpful. I will probably try to aim for 3 weeks and reschedule with at least 5 days left if I feel I can't do it. I'm thinking I will probably have to reschedule, but worth a try to get it done faster.

    @mla11692- I took about a month and a half to study FAR. I'm guessing Audit will take me less time, but I won't feel comfortable aiming to barely pass with a 75. I think with 3 weeks, I probably have to go in not having covered everything thoroughly.

    FAR - 89
    AUD - 88
    REG - TBD
    BEC - TBD

    Using Becker and Ninja MCQ

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