AUD Retake Study Time

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    Hello- I just received my score back for AUD and I got a 67. This was my first time ever sitting. My goal is to pass FAR and AUD before 2011. My question is: how long should I study and go back through the AUD stuff before I retake it? Would 2 weeks be enough if I studied every day? I am scheduled to take FAR Nov. 22 but am thinking about moving it up to the 2nd week of Nov. and re-taking AUD at the end of Nov. Is 6 weeks enough time to study for FAR? What do you think? Any advice is appreciated, especially since I’m new at this!

    Thank you!

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  • #240312

    Hey CPABound, my first question would be have you started studying for FAR yet? if not, I would retake AUD prior to taking FAR because it is still mostly fresh. I would say that 2 weeks should be ok, that is what I did for BEC and I got 8 additional points… I would also so that 6 weeks is enough for FAR – I studied in 5, hoping my score is a passing one… I felt ok going into the exam, one more week would have been plenty more for me.

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!



    Agree with Trevor – take AUD first and then take FAR if that is possible. What areas were you strong & weak in? One thing to keep in mind – study for the test fresh and not just the one you just did not pass. Each exam is different. Build on your strengths and add layers of knowledge to the weaker areas. Good Luck. Hopefully you shook out the nerves with the test.


    Thanks for your input. I am barely into studying for FAR. I have not received the analysis in the mail to know which areas I did strong/weak in. How long does this usually take? So, I suppose I should go ahead and re-apply for the AUD exam so I receive my NTS in time. How long does it take to receive a new NTS? It's days, right? I just want to be sure I'd have it in 2 weeks or so.


    Normally about a week for me…

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!


    sorry a week for the paper of the break down, and 3 days for the new NTS

    BEC: 73,81(7/6/2010); AUD: 75(5/24/2010); FAR: 76(8/31/2010); REG: 77 (10/18/2010) - DONE!!!!



    What state are you from? In TX the process is fast – I filled out the application for BEC on Monday today I paid the NTS fee. Our NTS are only open for about 90 days though.

    Perhaps looking at your Becker Final Exam will help you identify your strong and weak areas until the actual anlaysis from the exam arrives. Good luck – it does help to do the re-take as soon as possible in my opinion.


    Hey CPABound,

    I'm in your exact same shoes. I'm taking BEC on 10/2/10 & I'm retaking AUD on 10/20/10 because that is the last day my NTS will be valid. That gives me EXACTLY 18 days (about 2.5 weeks) to restudy & retake AUD. Since I don't start full-time with my firm until November, I will be able to study all day, every day during those 18 days. I think 2.5 weeks (or in your case, 2 wks) is an ample amount of time to restudy for AUD since you said you're available to study every day during that period. Good luck, & here's to both of us retaking AUD & DOMINATING it once & for all the second time around!

    FAR - 83, AUD - 60 (retaking 10/20/10), BEC - 10/2/10, REG - 1/??/11


    I'm hoping it won't take more than 1 week to get the breakdown of my results in the mail. Until then, I'm planning to go through all my notes and do as many multiple choice questions as I can. I am working full time but plan to study 2-3 hours M-F and as much as I can on the weekends. I applied for AUD yesterday and am waiting to receive my NTS so I can schedule it. Good luck to everyone!!!!


    CPABound I'm in the same situation. This was my first time sitting ever and I just received my score of 65 on AUD. I studied for 2.5 months at about 10/week and felt comfortable leaving the testing center. My goal is to also pass AUD & FAR in 2010. I'm going to retake AUD in 2-3 weeks and FAR end of November. I was so disappointed about my score and felt like my world is crashing. Anyone have any tips for the retake?


    I spent about the same amount of time studying and also felt comfortable about the material. However, I keep telling myself this is unlike anything I've ever done in my life so I wasn't sure what to expect. After finding out my failing grade, I questioned whether this is what I really wanted to do. I thought about it for 1 day and realized I'd be a fool not to! It's easy to be discouraged, especially since AUD has the highest pass rate of any section, but try to stay positive! My plan is to re-read the majority of the material and skim the material I feel comfortable with for about 5 days and then do as many MCQ's as possible for 1 week. We are not that far off and I know we can pass this 2nd time because I do not want to push this into 2011. Good luck to you!!!!


    Wow… There are a bunch of us in the audit retake boat this time… I got a 72 the first time after studying about 6 weeks. I have rescheduled my AUD exam for Oct 18th. I hope that is enough time to go back through the material and do a whole ton of MC questions.

    Hopeful this time around.... Back after a 2 year break!!

    BEC - Feb 2013 78!!
    FAR - May 2013 76!!
    REG - 70! 71! 80!!
    AUD - Oct 2013 79!!



    Hey all I got a 73 and in the same situation as you all! I am looking to reschedule around the 16 or 18th…I'd like to try for the 10th but Q3 close will ruin any chances of that.

    I was also considering taking BEC which I bombed but I think I may need longer than 2 weeks for that one. Problem is I already have a NTS for REG which expires at year end so I have to take in November. Luckily somehow I passed FAR on the first try.

    After being depressed yesterday and part of today I seemed to get back in focus with Module 1 in the Wiley book, doing MC and reviewing my Becker Flashcards.

    Anyone have any advice on studying for the sims? They are so random and I remember a few tabs I had no clue about and unless you were an auditor there is no way you'd even know what to do.

    75 CPA


    There is no answer to your question. Accountants are perfectionists who want to know exactly how many hours that it takes to pass the CPA exams. Stop looking at the clock. These CPA exams are a process.

    Work new AUD multiple choice questions until you are getting a minimum of 80% of the questions correct. Shoot for 3,000 AUD multiple choice questions. Only you can tell us how long that will take.

    AUD is easy to study and difficult to pass.


    Dont' be discouraged thinking AUD is the highest pass rate, from what I've seen over on the AUD thread, there are people that have passed all the other sections on their first try but really struggle to pass AUD. So, everyone is different! Hopefully this will just be your weak section and you'll dominate the other three tests 😀

    Other than that I have nothing more to add than everyone else. 2 weeks seems like plenty of time to study and retake and 6 weeks is DEFINITELY enough for FAR if you have adequate study time per day 😀

    FAR-91 (7/29)
    AUD-99 (8/23)
    BEC-90 (10/1)
    REG-99 (11/3)

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