AUD Re-take in less than a week!

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  • #158095

    Just wanted to know if anyone had any last minute advice for me on my AUD re-take this sunday. I received a 71 my first time around on doing the bare minimum (just watched Becker lectures and did the HW). This time I re-watched the lectures, did the HW, and have done all the questions in the Wiley book. I also plan on doing both of Becker’s final exams and memorizing the mnemonics. My question is, what last minute things can I do to get me over the edge (4 more points) or should I relax and be comfortable with my preparation?

    Thanks again for all of your help/support

    Good luck everyone

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  • #233769
    GSU Josh

    I'm in the same boat as you except my test is Friday and I got a 74 the last time around. I've rewatched all lectures and done all questions again. I've also got the Wiley test bank and have done most of those and plan on finishing them. I also plan on skimming/reading through most of the book.

    AUD - 74, 87; BEC - 84; FAR - 78; REG - 79
    It's done, Son!


    Coops6677 and GSU,

    Good luck. I did roughly the same thing, 71 on the first and retake on the 17th of this month. I am using roger cpa review and just rewatched the lectures, did the problems in the wiley book twice, did the software questions once, and one practice exam with the software. I tried to focus on the places where the score analysis said that I had messed up on the first exam. I remember mnemonics being extremely important to the success that I had the first time that I took the exam. I am also trying to get to bed early these next couple of days. Also, I would focus on 20-30 question practice exams and look to see where you keep messing up. Other than that, start telling yourself that you are smart enough for the exam and that you are prepared to take it.


    For my 3rd AUD attempt, I just did over 3,000 mcqs about 3 times…..I gave up on reading and video lectures…

    BEC=77, FAR=78, REG=73,74,80, AUD=70,69, 84 DONE!


    NJCPA2B what materials did you use and how many times did you do each materials for the MCQ's?

    BEC 2/8/10 - 75 (studied hard & prayed less)
    REG 5/15/10 - 88 (studied less but prayed hard)
    AUDITING 8/9/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard)
    FAR 11/30/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard) Thanks GOD! I'm DONE


    suzzette1 – AUD was weird for me. I don't think the material is difficult, just tricky. The first time I took AUD I walked out thinking I scored between 95 to 99…I really thought I aced the exam. The second time I believed I scored around 85-90.

    I used Yaeger Home Study 2009 for AUD.

    After reading many posts of other people that had failed AUD 2 or more times and then passed AUD, I saw the common thread was to do thousands of MCQs multiple times….

    I purchased the Gleim system for AUD but I only used their Gleim CPA Test Prep 2010 down load which contains 1,783 MCQ…I did all those questions 3 times and by the 3rd time I was scoring between 95 – 100.

    I also did all the MCQ 3x on the Wiley CD (824 MCQs) – also scoring between 95-100

    I also did 400 MCQ from the Wiley CPA review book.

    The funny thing is that on my 3rd AUD take, I thought I had failed because the exam was very difficult – I only recoginzed about 5 MCQs in the entire exam…….

    BEC=77, FAR=78, REG=73,74,80, AUD=70,69, 84 DONE!


    Thanks for the input NJCPA2B. I have been using Becker, Wiley, CPAreviewforfree, Yaeger HS and Cram for Auditing. I have already done more than 2,500 MCQ's and doing it more than 2x. Hope this is enough for me to pass.

    BEC 2/8/10 - 75 (studied hard & prayed less)
    REG 5/15/10 - 88 (studied less but prayed hard)
    AUDITING 8/9/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard)
    FAR 11/30/10 - 79 (studied hard and prayed hard) Thanks GOD! I'm DONE


    tomorrow morning is the big re-take…. im less confident than i was last time as I am doing worse on MCQ now than i was before

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