AUD – need help!

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  • #1327456

    I am doing well in all sections (above 70), but section 3 Auditing and Attestation Preforming.. I am at about 58 percent. Any recommendations on what to do? I have Wiley, Ninja notes, and Ninja videos.

    Any help appreciated 🙂

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  • #1327588

    Ninja videos as in blitz?

    This is what I did.. with Wiley book / Ninja

    Wiley – do you have the study guide (book)? I printed out all the MCQs, marked the answers and read with explanation simultaneously. This was I did not have to read the actual text, but I found explanation to be very helpful.

    I did it first because I hate reading and I did not read boring texts this way!

    Ninja blitz / video – listen to any audio/video/lecture/etc when you commute

    Ninja MCQ – Keep do MCQs until you reach the point you simply memorize most questions. It is inevitable that you will memorize the answer, but make sure WHY it is the right option and look for wrong answers to see why they are wrong.

    I personally found Ninja MCQ – simulation part to be not helpful. I did thousands of MCQs and that helped.

    Also make sure to go to AICPA website and take practice test to see how it looks like on the actual exam. You may be a question very similar to that..

    After hitting review phase, when you do sets of 30s you should be getting 80/90s to be comfortable.

    Materials: Wiley book + Ninja MCQ

    FAR - 83 (Jan 2016)
    Study time: 6 weeks
    BEC - 87 (April 2016)
    Study time: 2 weeks
    AUD - 92 (July 2016), (74 Feb 2016), (72 May 2016)
    Study time: 4 (Feb) + 2 (May) + 3 (July) = 9 weeks total
    REG - (70 April 2016)
    Study time: 3 weeks


    which are the most important & tested topics in AUD ?

    Though I know all are important

    BEC- 43(Feb'16), Retake-June 10, (Wiley text book/WQB/NINJA MCQ)
    REG- TBD
    FAR- TBD
    AUD- TBD

    Mike J

    Become VERY familiar with the cycles and the internal controls for each. Also know how to manipulate the ratios.

    Luckily, NINJA has great SIMs for these issues.

    Try them. Fall on your face (not being flippant but you will. I did). Embrace it. Then read the explanations. Then put it in your words. Dig out your old textbook and merge the NINJA soln with your own explanation with what the text has. Write out an explanation of that in your own words.

    For the cycles, write out the steps, from station to station, of what you have to do. In essence, you are tracking a transaction through your system. What happens? What is supposed to happen?

    ONLY when you have a good grasp on the basics, do some isolated MCQ just on internal control activities.

    That should catch you up fast.


    5000-6000 mcq. Use ninja and WTB. Read explanations EVERY time. Do not memorize. Understand and retain through repetition.


    THANK YOU for your advice! I am trucking along and raised myself to a 64! I am understanding bits and pieces as I go. from all the advice I formulated a plan. I created a word document and I am rewriting the answers in my own words and organizing them! Takes a bit of time, but I am obviously missing something in this section. Also, I have Wiley software with the testbank, but I like Ninja better (simply because of the ninja star, but it makes me stay entertained.) The explanations in Ninja are better and more understandable then Wiley.

    Hopefully I am on the right track – 11 more days to go!


    Roger Cram for AUD

    …then a boat load of Ninja MCQS.

    Don't think twice.

    AUD:69, 63, 73, TBD
    REG:71, TBD


    keep your cool


    Is Cram the best option only 11 days out? Should i just focus on MCQ?


    Might actually be so…let me tell you why…you have already studied your regular course. You have essentially built a foundation of knowledge. Rogers lectures will be able to break down important topics and you will finally get those “ahha” moments.

    Something about how he goes about explaining the material made it all click for me. I had finally passed after listening and reading the Roger Cram course materials. Got an 84 to be exact!

    Problem is that it will take a couple of days for the textbook to arrive.

    There is no point of crunching MCQs if you do not understand the general audit cycle and/or where you are in the audit. Once you solidified that, the MCQs that you will be doing will actually make sense and your knowledge base will come together.

    (I apologize, I did not read the top posts — did not realize you had 11 days left)

    AUD:69, 63, 73, TBD
    REG:71, TBD


    keep your cool


    I think this would be a great game plan if i don't pass. I didn't pass FAR on my 2nd attempt, which i think i will be taking in the middle of February. S, do you think this would also work for FAR? I am at a bit of a loss with the recent score.. I have a gap that needs to be filled and I don't think Wiley will do that for me. I am a visual learner. So this program should be good right?


    This would be an excellent strategy if you fail.

    I cant say much about FAR because I used Becker and Ninja Notes exclusively. Rewrote the Notes several times prior to my exam. Made sure to know govt and nfp as well as journal entries for almost everything that required one (trust me — get very familiar with journal entries).

    As far as being a visual learner, I think Roger would definitely suit your needs.

    Be careful with audit, take your time, read the question slowly (and several times). Allow yourself about 40 min per testlet which will leave you about two hours for the Sims (you will need every minute).

    Think of this exam as building a house. Brick by brick it will eventually become whole (same with your knowledge base).

    AUD:69, 63, 73, TBD
    REG:71, TBD


    keep your cool


    Ah, i just need a pass at this point to get back into FAR with confidence. I am going to crack open my old accounting book to see a step by step tour for audit. I think I am gaining ground, just wish there was a video out there to walk me through a standard audit..

    Sometimes I miss being in Grad School!


    My strategy for AUD (CPAexcel): Watch the video, read the section, PQs, EQs in study mode (read explanations for any wrong answers you miss or ones where you're not sure why it's wrong), next lesson. Set a goal for number of lessons each day. EQ tutor testlet of 30 Qs not-yet-answered-correctly at least twice a day on only subjects you've covered as review – 30 at the beginning and 30 at the end of a long study session, for instance.

    After you've covered all the material or when you are getting close, keep pounding EQs in tutor until you've answered every question correctly in test mode at least once. Take note of those subjects you still feel unsure about and let a simulated exam or two guide you on what is still weak and review how you learn best (videos, text, study-mode?).

    11 days isn't a lot of time and this takes a lot of time, but if the goal is to go from weak to solid on a specific set of topics while keeping the other things fresh this is 100% what I recommend. I don't know about NINJA, but I learned 90% of Auditing from CPAexcel.

    AUD - 99!
    FAR - 08/2016
    REG - 10/2016
    BEC - 12/2016

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