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  • #188858

    How much attention should I pay to ISA? (international standards on auditing)

    I vaguely remember reading that when they first implemented ISA into AUD, scores dropped by a significant amount. I’m almost 4 weeks into Becker and doing my final review and have come across at most, 2 ISA related questions.

    Any insight is appreciated. Thanks!

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  • Author
  • #612558

    Does anyone have an answer regarding Club300 question above….

    I am currently on A3 of the Becker lectures and noticed that there is material regarding the international standards on auditing. However, so far, there are zero multiple choice questions regarding this topic.

    Does the actual Auditing CPA exam have questions that cover international audit standards, or is Gearty just making me learn this for fun?

    If this topic is covered on the real audit exam, is reading and understanding the key differences in US/International Audit standards worth a lot of my focus?



    I would just focus on the key differences like you said, but I don't have experience with the actual test yet

    FAR - 89 (8/19/14) Wiley TB, Wiley Book, Books from School, Ninja Audio/Notes
    AUD - 92 (10/14/14) Wiley TB, Wiley Book, Ninja Audio
    BEC - 82 (5/8/15) Mostly Ninja MCQ, sprinkles of Becker lectures and Ninja Audio
    REG - (8/14/15)

    Mary 2496

    I am going to try and word this carefully so I don't break disclosure rules. Let me give it a try by answering dercius23.

    I had to take auditing three times. My scores were as follows — 71, 72, & I'll let you know on November 3rd.

    @ dercius – you've noticed that there are no MCQ in Becker in ISA's. Consider this point strongly.


    gleim mentions of them in the notes but doesn't really test u on it. i vaguely remebmer one or two questions in all the studying ive done. i dont think it will make or break u


    I passed Auditing recently, lol and i legit said “What is ISA?” to your question….so, yea

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