AUD in Jan 2020

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  • #2820255

    I’ve been studying AUD for one and a half month and still have 2 more chapters to go. I am scheduled to take a test on Dec 10th this year. But, in reality it is impossible to finish two chapters and review before the exam. So I decdied to reschedule the exam right after new year. I really wanted to take AUD this year as I have to wait only 10 days to receive the score. But there would be no point of getting score early if I get failed score. Audit content is so dry and difficult 🙁

    I’m worried if there will be any new testable concepts/contents for the Audit. I am using Beckcer and received an email about new testable concepts/contenst for FAR and REG starting year 2020. Does anyone know if there will be new contents for the AUD in 2020 (1st quarter)?

    FAR: 74, 80
    BEC: 70, 68, 2/28/15
    REG: 75 Expired; 72
    AUD: TBD

    "And all things, whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive". Matthew 21:22

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  • Author
  • #2820663

    Mine is on December 5th. If I were you, I would take it on Dec 10th, maybe you will get lucky, the worst case.. you can pay extra and retake it in January. Good thing about December it's a buzzy season for auditors.


    At a minimum, you should've consult exam blueprint to see if there is any new content being tested.

    AUD 7/3
    BCE 81
    REG 7/15
    FAR 8/18


    The AUD exam changes aren't substantial and should have no bearing on your exam timing.

    I passed AUD in 2 weeks (I procrastinated), so it's doable:

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