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  • #201540

    my exam is scheduled for wednesday and have been reviewing everyday with MCQs and reading notes…have a few questions

    what sims should i focus on more ? if any

    on test day what should i write on my “note card” or whatever it is called

    any specific area that i should be covering?

    help on getting management assertions straight

    I am getting to that point where I am freaking out, i have a good understanding of everything pretty much, just have to focus a little more on audit sampling and distinguishing between management assertions… sometimes the questions asked in the MCQ are a bit of confusing when it comes to management assertions.


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  • #773575

    For the SIMS, you can find the answers in the AL. For each question I looked up the answer first.

    I did all the MCQ twice the three months I studied (I wasn't working). There is nothing I focused on. I studied it all.

    Gleim has great SIMS, NInja has great MCQ. That is what I did different. I used two courses not one.

    AUD - 74, 99 !!
    REG - 74, 92
    BEC - 83
    FAR - 73, 86

    Studying for Ethics exam

    California candidate
    Business and Industry


    thank you ! @track55


    I caveat my response with I haven't passed an exam yet; but I did take AUD today. I found taking progress tests with Becker's software to be helpful. What I like about it is that you can select which chapters you want to include or exclude from the progress test and how many questions you want to do. These tests helped me focus on my weak spots, b/c it provided a breakout of the test results by the included chapters. My exam was at 11:00 and I even did a 100 question progress test this morning just to get my brain going. Another poster recommended that. I think it worked. I obviously don't know my results, but I feel good about my exam. I failed FAR in Feb and did not use this feature and also didn't finish my exam. Today, I went into the sims with 2.5hrs and ended the exam with 12 minutes left. I hope this helps. Good luck!

    AUD 4/23/16 81
    FAR 02/23/16 Failed, Retake TBD
    REG 6/10/16 70, TBD


    Msbeekie- Hope that method works out for you. How were your sims? Were you able to use the AL? I'm taking AUD in 10 days and I'm starting to get anxious. I feel better going into this one than I do FAR, but the sims are what's making me nervous. I've practiced about 40 so far, mostly with Ninja, and plan on doing some more before my exam. I wish I had access to the actual AL that's used during the exam to practice doing the Ninja sims.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    @msbeekie thanks for the advice! will def work on some questions before my exam as well to get me going and also keep it fresh in my mind

    @re2pect i forgot to mention that I took AUD in FEb and got a 69 🙁 … so ive been studying everything all over again. i bought Ninja audio and it helped me a lot. i have a 30min commute so that helped me every bit.. as far as the sims i have been working on them as well and sometimes they can get a bit confusing, especially since some answers in the drop down list sound the same. when i took AUD the 1st time the AL did not really help me in my SIMS bc the SIMS i had basically were not really in the AL (hopes this makes sense), except for the research ones of course.


    Good lucks to you guys as well @re2pect and @ msbeekie


    rminrx8- I agree that the audio is a big help. I have the same commute to work and listen to it every day. I agree that some of the sims can be confusing. I've had some trouble with internal control ones on transaction cycles. I just finished going through all the Ninja mcq yesterday and so far I'm averaging a 73 and trending 75. Since then I've been going back and doing nothing but trouble questions so I can try and hit the review stage. I also started rewriting the Ninja notes, but not sure I'll have enough time to finish. Good luck on your exam.

    FAR: 75 Roger & Ninja (notes/flashcards/audio/MCQ)
    AUD: 73, 81
    BEC: 71, retake 8/29


    @Re2pect – my sims were not bad and I was able to use my AL at times. I'm just now questioning whether I entered the stuff in correctly. I would hate to know it but miss out due to lack of understanding the directions. But I finished all the sims with time to spare. That's big for me b/c I tend to be a slow reader. I did go back and read the directions again to make sure I was digesting it correctly, but I didn't change any answers unless I was bonafide sure I needed to, b/c I can easily talk myself out the right answer by overthinking. Good luck to you.

    @rminrx8 – Good luck to you too.

    AUD 4/23/16 81
    FAR 02/23/16 Failed, Retake TBD
    REG 6/10/16 70, TBD


    Update…passed AUD with an 81! Woohoo

    AUD 4/23/16 81
    FAR 02/23/16 Failed, Retake TBD
    REG 6/10/16 70, TBD


    @msbeekie congrats on the 81!! enjoy it !! Unfortunately I got a 74 and now lost credit to REG, no words to describe what im feeling…how did you study for SIMS? I read your previous post about the progress tests on BECKER I will use the same study plan again but put more hours into it and also add your progress tests into the mix

    any advice/tips will be greatly appreciated….GOOD LUCK ON THE NEXT PARTS!!


    Know thy independence lack the back of thy hand.

    B - 81
    A - 87
    R - 73
    F - July 5th


    Compilation, reviews, and consultations. Know them. Use the AL…you'll literally find answers word for word if you can read through all the filler words in there.

    FAR - 75 (2/25/16)
    AUD - 80 (4/8/16)
    REG - 80 (6/10/16)
    BEC - 79 (7/19/16)

    You only get one shot with the spirit bomb.


    @theunexperienced any advice on how to navigate the AL? how to approach it when practicing SIMS questions… I find myself just reading the AL and there are so many results after searching key words, and like you said filler words. 20 minutes can go by and sometimes I come up with something and sometimes not


    @rminrx8…the AL saved my butt. Thankfully, I had ample time for SIMs in order to use the AL. Make sure you use the advanced search feature. Definitely use the AL.

    AUD 4/23/16 81
    FAR 02/23/16 Failed, Retake TBD
    REG 6/10/16 70, TBD


    @rminrx8 Ninja MCQ SIMS helped me a lot. I also had a 74 on AUD before I know they feeling keep pushing.

    BEC Feb 2015 68 - rematch Apr 2015 - 84
    FAR July 2015 77
    AUD Oct 2015 74 Feb 2016 71 April 2016 85
    REG Jan 2016 67 July 2016

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