AUD crunch time

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  • #197806

    I have 5 days left till my AUD (4th time). 2 questions.

    1 – I’m using the NINJA MCQ’s and I’m finding that when I choose “trouble questions” that I really am having trouble with the questions. Is it integral to focus on them or should I be focusing on doing questions on everything and hoping that there wont be too many questions from my “trouble” areas

    2 – I was reading that some people find it helpful to rewrite the NINJA notes. Is this something that I should be doing (especially considering the time left)?


    FAR - 65,75 (expires 3/31/2016)
    AUD - 65,69,64 68, scheduled 2/24/16
    BEC - 63, 75
    REG - Scheduled 1/27/16

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