AUD CPA Exam Review 2010 - Page 3

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    Well, now that I've gotten over the shock of failing Reg with a 72 and losing my credit for Audit, I'm now back on the forums. I have a question, I'm assuming audit is audit and that not much has changed in the exam over the past few years, but I need to know for sure. I would hate to assume and waste study time. Can I use 2008 study materials for the 2010 exam?

    Aud- Pass, BEC- Pass, FAR- Pass, REG- Pass.... Done!


    I used 2008 Lambers material for audit when I took the exam in May of this year. I thought I nailed the exam and would score around 90. I ended up with a 75. I don't recall seeing anything different on the exam then what I studied.


    I just took the Audit exam with the 2008 Becher material, and although I have not received my score yet I feel like there has not been any significant change to the material and I was not impeded by “outdated” material. I compared with a friends' 2010 Becher material and could not specifically identify any differences – good luck!


    cool! thanks, guys.

    Aud- Pass, BEC- Pass, FAR- Pass, REG- Pass.... Done!


    I just paid for my retake in aud…NASBA reduced the price for the AUD test by 12 whole dollars. WOOHOO study snack money!!

    IL - BECKER=============> DONE
    REG - 80; FAR - 65,79; AUD - 53,78; BEC - 71,68, 75 (used becker and yaeger for 3rd BEC)Ethics 95




    I was considering purchasing your Audit study guide but did not have much study time left before my exam. How many pages are in this book, do you think I will have enough time to get through in a few weeks? Thanks for the help and I appreciate your website!

    FAR- 71,83
    BEC- 77
    AUD- 72, Waiting
    REG- 90


    Aaron – I bought Jeff's Audit notes, and used them mainly leading up to the exam in my last week. It was about 70 pages. It was a great review the day of the exam in Starbucks!

    FAR 7/2 - 88
    BEC 7/30 - 87
    AUD 8/27 - 80
    REG 11/12 - 96


    For those that used becker for audit, which Audit chapters are the more challenging or about all the same? Just want to be prepared, studying audit now.

    75 CPA

    What helped me with AUD was memorizing the various paragraphs for the different opinions and the exceptions. Having those memorized helped me both on the multiple choice and the simulations. If nothing else, memorize the unqualified audit opinion and know all of the exceptions to that opinion! The AICPA is infamous for asking about obscure opinions.

    Practice as many simulations as you can for AUD. AUD is more than knowing the concepts. AUD is also about having a critical and broad view that does not come unless you practice a lot. AUD is the only exam where I did 3,000 multiple choice questions.


    Hi Everyone!!! I have still been unsuccessful at passing any parts of this exam and I've decided that I'm going to buy the Yeager study materials. I've taken audit 3 times now. The first time was pretty horrible at a 49, the second I increased up to a 68, but on the third I only increased my score 1 point to a 69. I seem to be stuck. I was wondering if the Yeager Cram may be enough to get me over on Audit or if I should just go ahead and start from scratch. I also am a member on Club 75, so I have bought Jeff's audit notes, which I do highly recommend. They are great!!!

    75 CPA


    AUD kicked my butt too. I took it three times before I passed.

    My suggestion is to start all over again with a new review program. My choice for a new AUD review program was Lambers, a 27 hour review course, for about $300. Garland, the teacher for Lamers, is a great teacher like Dr. Phil Yaeger and Cindy. Additionally, Garland explains many multiple choice questions like Yaeger. Yaeger Cram would be a good choice for a week before the exam when you need to be working most the the questions in the Wiley book.

    A new AUD program will give you a fresh start. It worked for me.

    Good luck and do not give up. Offer your study plan up to God, and your study plan will succeed. You will pass all of these CPA exams!


    Hi! question for those who have taken AUD using Yaeger, is 5 weeks enough to study the whole material? thanks

    75 CPA


    Study for these exams until you know the material or until you run out of time.


    Hello to all members. I will be on the AUD forum frequently as I'm taking this section on November and interacting with other candidates has helped me immensely on my previous sections (FAR and BEC). Good luck to all taking exams on this window

    FAR 88 - BEC 86 - AUD 90 - REG 85


    Taking the exam tomorrow…

    I hit the freaking-out portion of my life at this moment.

    For people using Becker on sampling and government: Becker says it's not a huge portion (chapter 5) I hope that is true! Any consensus?

    FAR: TBA: Studying
    REG: 07/23/11: Studying
    BEC: 07/10/10: Passed (8/23)
    AUD: 05/23/11: Waiting

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