AUD Authorative Literature during TBS?

  • Creator
  • #190490

    Hey guys,

    I would like to know during the TBS, are you able to search the illustration of the audit reports or reviews illustrations? Or are they blocked off?

    For example, when i search AUC 700:Forming an opinion… , there are given illustration of the reports so you can see exactly what is in each paragraph of the report which can be very useful in answering sims on audit/reviews/compilation.


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  • Author
  • #624011

    You should try to use AICPA's literature to practice beforehand. And yes, you'll find the reports in the A.L. It comes in quite handy.


    @bronxbombers2 thank you for your reply. yesss!! that would be soo handy if it has all the content from the AICPA literature. I was just confused because I read a few post that said that some of the content were blocked in AL.


    Btw, since you can find the audit reports on AL, the Audit report TBS questions should be easy.

    What other topics on TBS would you suggest that i can find on AL? Since many people claimed that they can find TBS questions word for word using AL.

    Sorry I am not so good with AL. Barely able to find research questions 🙁

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