AUD Advice for retake please

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  • #192522

    Here’s my grade report for AUD. My score was 71.

    Understanding the Engagement (12-16%) Stronger

    Understanding the Entity (16-20%) Stronger

    Procedures and Evidence (16-20%) Stronger

    Evaluation and Reporting (16-20%) Stronger

    Accounting and Review Services (12-16%) Comparable

    Professional Responsibilities (16-20%) Comparable

    Multiple Choice (60%) Stronger

    Simulations (40%) Weaker

    It appears that I must have just bombed the Sims. Admittedly, I ran out of time in my preparation to go through every Sim. Also, having gone through the MCQs twice, I could potentially had not really mastered the concepts — maybe just memorized the MCQs. OR, I could have had some nasty Sims.

    My retake strategy….

    1) Obviously I need to go through the Sims in great detail (using Ninja MCQ).

    2) I’m wondering if I need to do the MCQs again. It probably couldn’t hurt and should be fast since I’ve memorized the answers (haha). I was thinking of using another source like WTB, but just found out through another thread that it’s mostly the same questions.

    Is there anything else I’m missing? Thanks in advance for any constructive advice!

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  • #653654

    Audit is tough, but doable. What worked for me was understanding the concepts. I bought CPA review for review essential notes for $10 and they broke down the concepts in a different way than Yaegar did. I also practiced all of the Wiley test bank, Yaegar textbook and cpa review for free questions, making sure that I understood what I got wrong and why. Also, I supplemented all my materials with a becker 2012 textbook because I like their summarized notes. Again, it is tough, I was doing so much as you can see and I was thinking I over studied lol only to barely pass it, lol. You can do it. Good Luck!

    A - 2/2/15 - 76: PASSED
    B - 7/20/15 - 74, 73
    R - 7/24/15 - patiently waiting for 8/25 score release
    F - sometime in October


    If I had that score report I would not be happy. I would think with a score report like that you would have passed.


    AUD was my highest score. Here was my strategy:

    MCQ's, MCQ's, MCQ's, MCQ's, MCQ's, MCQ's, MCQ's, MCQ's, MCQ's, MCQ's, MCQ's, MCQ's, MCQ's, MCQ's, MCQ's.

    Why so many MCQ's? Becuase on AUD, you will get problems that can be narrowed down to two good choices. Doing this many MCQ's will allow you to master the concepts and pick apart the trickery in the exam. They like to throw in distractors and details that if you don't pay attention to, you pick the other answer that sounds good, but isn't correct.

    Memorize the different audit reports.

    Review SIM's. Understand the concept they are testing you on.

    Practicing using the AL. Often times you'll get a SIM to fill in the blanks for an audit report. The reports can be found in the AL.

    Test strategy:

    Time Management – Leave 2 hours for the SIMS. Look at them all first. Do the easy ones first. Use the AL!

    AUD - 90
    FAR - 71, 76
    REG - 75
    BEC - 76 (bubble sucks)

    Becker + Ninja MCQ's


    If I do the math….assuming I got 80% on MCQ:

    MCQ – .80 * .6 = 48%

    Sims – .575 x .4 = 23%

    48% + 23% = 71%

    This really goes to show you that MCQs are NOT the end all, be all to prepare. Leave some time for Sims!


    I never got a sim with fill in blanks that can refer to AL. I always got problem based SIMS

    BEC Passed
    FAR Passed
    AUD Passed
    REG Passed


    Vern -No what I mean, did you keep track of how many MC questions you completed from start to finish? I kept track of all the MC i did between Wiley,Roger,Becker final exams,2013 & 2014 release questions and Ninja, I think I totaled 8,021. I hope it was enough to pass Audit.

    Through God all things can happen!

    “You never fail until you stop trying.”
    ― Albert Einstein
    When I was young, I used to admire intelligent people;as I grow older, I admire kind people.
    “Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.”

    FAR= 72-84
    Audit= 73-82
    BEC= 74-75


    ijustwant76, I am like you, I did pretty well on the mcqs but did horrible on the Sims. I just ordered the ninja mcqs and ninja notes. My advise for you should be start over again and read the book again, take more notes and focus on doing more simulations untill you can't do any more. And leave 2 hours for the simulations. There is a reason why it is 40% of the exam

    Determined to be a Cpa.

    Audit 61, 59, 65

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