AUD – 74

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  • #1981391

    I just sat for AUD on 9/6 and got a failing score of a 74. What do you guys suggest doing now? How soon should I sit for a retake?

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  • #1981430
    Cheeks Malone

    First, I don't think you failed. You missed a passing score by 1 point. You have completed most of the material and now you need to polish up on your skills.

    I would start taking MCQs and SIMs to expose yourself to as many questions as possible. Read explanations and understand why you got a question wrong or correct. If you are really stumped by a question, go review that topic.

    I'd also recommend handwriting flash cards. Questions you got incorrect are great for making into flash cards.

    You can do this, positivity and perseverance is all you need at the moment!


    @Jgabbay – I feel your pain, I just got a 71 on AUD. I am sure I knew my material going in to the exam considering I got 81s on Becker mock exams. My plan is to go back through Becker, redo MQs and redo SIMS for each section. Going to also plan on reading any areas that I have forgotten. I think I'll plan on sitting mid-October becasuse I want to keep with my goal and take BEC in December.


    @jgabbay If you don't mind me asking, could you tell me how you bumped your FAR score from a 55 to 76? Cause I have a similar score and really need to pass. Tips on how you study and what review course you use will sort of give me some sort of guidance and/or direction on how to go about preparing for a retake. Thanks!!


    I got a 71 followed by a 74 on AUD before passing with a 79. I'd suggest MCQs and SIMS as well and some select FAR concepts as they overlap a lot.


    Dig in and do multiple choice until you feel like throwing up. Then do some more. For every wrong answer (or the right answers you guessed on), make flash cards / notes on what the answer was, but also why the answer you chose isn’t correct. Audit is also tricky because there are some answers that look similar, so slow down and read them all carefully. After you crank through several sessions of mcq, start narrowing your focus on the chapters you struggled with. I would focus mostly on mcq at this point, while doing sims every once in awhile just to stay refreshed in them. However all the topics for the sims are pretty well covered in the mcq. Do these non stop until you are understanding why you got the majority of questions right, not just you are getting them right. Good luck, you can do this!


    I work 8am-6pm and study from 8pm-11pm every night with the following plan that I believe has really helped me learn the material:
    5 days a chapter… Do not watch the lecture…
    Day 1 and 2) For each Module in the Chapter, go through the annotated textbook on Becker and take down concise notes, pay attention to what's highlighted etc. From those notes, create hand written flash cards on white index cards for topics you believe to be important.
    Day 3 and 4) Go through the MCQs with your flash cards. If a topic is hit more than once in the MCQs, transfer that topic to a different colored index card. Any time you encounter a MCQ that you are even the slightest bit hesitant on answering, create an index card for it.
    Day 5) Do the sims and run through all index cards, with particular emphasis on the multi colored index cards.

    Then during your lunch breaks, commutes, whenever you have a spare 15 minutes, run through your index cards – carry them with you, its the textbook in your pocket :). Rinse and repeat – this is the best way to ensure you are retaining the material. By the time you sit for review, the multi colored index cards should be the main topics on the exam and you mainly study those.

    Again, rinse and repeat- you have to ensure you are taking progress tests and going through these flashcards for past sections as often as you can.

    At first this seems like a lot of work, but in reality its less than you think. Its efficient and still allows me to have a free night Friday, Saturday, Sunday nights.

    Try it out! Hope it helps!


    I just got a 73 for aud 🙁 It was a retake and I felt much better about it but my score only improved 3 points…I feel you

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