AUD 6th attempt in July - Page 2

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  • #157778
    I hate AUD

    Hi guys
    Do u know anyone failed AUD 5 times and passed in the 6th attempt. if so, how or what material did s/he use??????

    FAR 57,76 BEC 70,79 AUD 70,72,67,71,68,70,79 REG 67,68,74, 84

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  • #229121

    Good luck 75 CPA, AUD is tough.

    I was also going to start redoing my MCQs for AUD, but got so sick of AUD that I will wait for my grade…and see what happens….

    My first 2 times that I failed AUD I did less than you…….But for my 3rd time, I really went crazy with MCQs….

    BEC=77, FAR=78, REG=73,74,80, AUD=70,69, 84 DONE!

    75 CPA


    You should pass! The devil is in the details, and the details are the multiple choice questions for AUD. I am now doing Becker supplementary questions for chapter 4 (evidence) and I am getting 80% of the questions correct. I did not get to do these questions before the exam. I am just continuing where I left off in my studying

    I never use the same review materials when I fail a CPA exam. I think that I made a very good choice with Lambers (Garland) and Gleim Online for my second attempt at FAR. I did my part. Now it is up to the AICPA to give me a passing grade.


    NJCPA2B – The first three times I used Becker and did all of their questions at least once (I think, it has been awhile now), the two times after that I did in the hundreds (at a guess). My strategy this time is to do as many as I possibly can and not schedule until I am in getting a good percentage correct. I have tons of questions I can use so I am going to use them until I run out. I am hoping to be ready for the beginning of July for AUD so I can resit for REG in the same tesitng period if I have to (5/12 – waiting for results) or move on to FAR If I passed REG. I do believe doing the questions helps lock in the information and helps you not get tricked on the exam. I am hoping to be in the thousand range. I am reviewing my material now & writing some fresh notes to get refreshed with the material since it has been since Dec/Jan since I picked it up, and onto questions / sim practice. I need lots of sim practice, and then practice exams.

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

    75 CPA


    The best money ($300) that I ever spent for AUD was Lambers. Garland from Lambers is a great teacher! He lectures and explains multiple choice questions for 27 hours. I learned things that were not in Becker, Yaeger or Roger. After Lambers, it is just a matter of doing 2,500 multiple choice questions!

    I think that I passed AUD on my second attempt; however, I know that it will be close since I only got a 74% on my Gleim practice exam and a 75% on Becker's final exam. I am going to continue doing multiple choice questions while I wait for my AUD results.


    75 CPA – Thanks for letting me know about Lambers I will have to look into that. I seem to be losing points on the simulations and need to refine my mc. I have been scoring mostly in the 70 to 75 range and some sections @ 80 on the score report & had one that was a little lower than 70. I know I have a lot of work to do still. I want so bad to lock it in this time and get passed this. 11/07 was my first AUD exam so I am really ready to move on. I estimated I wanted to be in the 85% range just to feel a little safer on my practice exams. I don't want to do this again. I bought the Bisk software and have Wiley book, Wiley software, Gleim software, and Becker software. Something or all of it should lock it in. :O)

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

    75 CPA


    Be sure that you have Gleim Online, not just Gleim Test Prep. Gleim's Online diagnostic and practice tests let you pinpoint your weaknesses down to the chapter and paragraph! You can then use Gleim's Test Prep to work exclusively on your weaknesses.

    Use Lambers for AUD as your 27 hour cram course. You will not be disappointed. Next, use Gleim's diagnostic test, along with the AICPA test results, to identify your weaknesses. Arrange Gleim's 20 chapter online course into the 5 AUD sections, etc.

    If I failed AUD, I will just continue this process. I think that it is a very good study process for those of us who failed AUD one time, or more than one time.

    The most important thing to know is what you do not know!


    75 CPA – thanks for the tips! I do like using multiple reviews (wish I would have know that a few years ago). I don't have access to Gleim on-line (just the questions). Good to know though – worth looking into. The Bisk software does have the pinpoint the area of weekness and a lot more simulation help. The Gleim doesn't allow access but three times on their sim software so I feel restricted with it. I need to get my sims grade up bad. I have never got comparable in the sims. I get comparable on the written (except for the Nov 09 attempt when I forgot to hit spell check – it happens, what can I say and once in 07 – don't know what I did, but got weaker). I have no problem with the research. On all my practice stuff I get the research right. It is the other tabs that are my issue. I know I need more practice applying what I know & I think I will improve those areas.

    I think one of the biggest things you can learn is what works for you to retain this volume of information. When I studied for REG I used the questions in the Wiley book while commuting and I liked that, and the computer version at home. I don't like bringing my laptop everyday. I figured practice, practice, practice. It is like learning to play a sport, the more you do it, the better you get at it. ;O)

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

    75 CPA


    Gleim Online has 20 simulations, one for each chapter. I paid $165 for both Gleim Online and Gleim Test Prep.


    Hmmm. I have to check what I have. Isn't this exam so much fun!?! Sarcasm at it's best!!!

    IL - 11/24 AUD

    Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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