AUD – 3 weeks until test

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  • #1320101

    I just finished all the material through Wiley and I am about half way through rewriting the Ninja notes. I also purchased the Ninja Plus, which is about 9 hours of videos that I am going to complete this weekend. Overall, I just began the Ninja MCQ (250ish questions in). I am trending and averaging around 60-62. I work full-time, so most of my work is completed over the weekend. I have a husband and no kids and usually don’t travel back home to visit family over Thanksgiving (usually just Christmas). What should be my game plan to ensure I pass AUD on the 9th of December? I am starting in a good place right?

    I am waiting on my FAR retake, but the study method I used for the test is much different from AUD, since there is a lot less material. Anyone have an good insight on how I should plan the next 3 weeks.

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  • #1320112

    MCQ MCQ MCQ and practice some sims in between and focus on reviewing/rewriting the weak areas.

    I am in similar situation, full time job, family with one toddler and my exam is on 12/10 so I am planning to kill MCQs during thanksgiving weekend

    FAR 8/2016
    AUD 1/2017


    Good luck to both of you. I will also be taking AUD on 12/10 and I'm really nervous. I will be done covering the material over the weekend and then will have a good three weeks to do nothing but ms questions.

    I'm really nervous about this section. I just think the info can get a bit confusing.

    I guess my advantage over you guys would be that I have no kids or spouse but it is still tough.

    Mperez: Yeah I also plan on doing ms questions like crazy over the long weekend. I'll still take Thursday off to spend the day with my family. I've learned to not over work myself. That's what I was doing at first and realized that the days before the exam, I was so overwhelmed that I could not even think straight.


    I'm taking mine on November 28th. I finished all of the becker material with 3 weeks left. I then went through all of it again in 2 weeks. Last week will be dedicated to flashcards, MCQ's, and SIMS.


    I am thinking of hammering out the MCQ during the holiday, since I am not traveling back home. So, that time should be well spent. I wanted to get done all the videos done this weekend and get through the first stage of the MCQ in Ninja to hit the adaptive learning stage. this way I can get an understanding on the areas I need to review. Do you think that Ninja is a good resource for the questions? I know I used them for my retake in FAR, but that is a whole other beast!

    thank you for the advice everyone and GOOD luck on your exams!


    How much access to Wiley do you have? Did you watch all the lectures? I have Wiley's Gold package but since my timeline for AUD is less than a month, I'm just reading through the material and taking all the practice quizzes.
    If you are all done with the study material, I would just do MCQs and TBS problems. If there's one thing I've noticed taking REG, FAR and BEC, the exams have certainly reused questions! The more you work practice problems, the better chance of seeing a few of them on the exam.

    I work full time also but I make my husband do all the cooking and all the household chores. Good luck everyone!!!



    You went thorough all of the Becker material 2 times? and the second time it took you 2 weeks?

    I see you have solid scores. How many mcq do you normally do?

    AUD-September 2016

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