Assurance, please!

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  • #2456763

    Can someone please give me their opinion on the difficulty of the Ninja AUD MCQs in relation to the exam or other review courses? I was trending in the 90s on MCQs in my main review course, so I decided to hit up Ninja to supplement. I’ve taken two tests utilizing my main review course and supplementing with Ninja toward the end, and I’m fairly confident that I’m not just remembering the answers and actually think I have a decent understanding of the main AUD concepts. Although, admittedly, this review is kicking my ass in ways REG and FAR never did. Anyways, I’m only trending around 77-80, Avg 83 after 650 questions through the Ninja MCQs and honestly it has me nervous that the other review course didn’t prepare me sufficiently for the exam (which I take tomorrow!! lol). Anyways, the questions just seem more difficult, more subjective, and more “random” info-based than my other course. Anyone else notice this or am I just losing it because I’ve been cramming for this test like crazy?

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  • #2456940

    I took AUD on May 30th, my main review course is Wiley, and I too supplement with Ninja. I honestly felt the Ninja MCQs were more difficult than the MCQs provided in Wiley, although, I did not complete all the questions provided in Wiley. I felt my exam fell more in line with the MCQs being asked from Wiley than they were in Ninja. I think you'll be fine. Good luck, you got this!


    Thanks CH. Appreciate your perspective. I've studied more for this test than any of the others and am far more nervous than I ever was. How did you feel after the exam? Did you get hit with many FAR concepts?

    Jimmy Dugan

    I was trending between 72-3 and 80 in Ninja for all of my exams and didn't fail any. You will be fine.

    The MCQ's are basically the same across all review courses. From what I've read, gleim produces their own questions, so they are different. But everyone else just uses the same retired aicpa exam questions.


    @A_Rish – Like most exams, I felt like I failed haha. Felt good with the first testlet, and the second testlet had a lot more questions flagged. SIMs were hard, but I felt they were manageable. They could have been way way more difficult, so I am grateful for that. I got hit with a couple of FAR concepts, but nothing major.

    @Jimmy Dugan – I know MCQs are basically the same in each review course, it just seemed from my perspective that Ninja had more questions that I hadn't seen or wasn't familiar with. Although, I think the major difference is the ordering of topics between Wiley and Ninja.

    Jimmy Dugan

    @CH89 The ordering, definitely. I think a lot of people believe Ninja questions are harder because they have a well structured format in their review course (i.e. study this one topic, then answer 10 questions only about that one topic), and then start the Ninja test bank where they do random quizzes from the entire body of knowledge, and it just seems harder. IMO, folks get in trouble by not structuring their study that way. You can be fooled into thinking you are doing better than you really are if you study one facet, then answer questions from only that one area. The acid test is how well you are doing on 30-40 question quizzes from the whole thing. That's how it happens on exam day.


    @Jimmy Dugan – Structured in which way? When working on AUD I worked through all the MCQs by each sub section, just for the sake of having organized notes. Then I would do cumulative quizzes to kind of see where I was missing. I can say that tackling MCQs has been a struggle, because I'm never certain how to go about them.


    @CH89, I like the suggestion of MCQ's by sub section for organized notes. That's what I am looking for is organized notes. I don't like feeling all over the place.
    @A.Rish These exams take a lot out of you. It is not abnormal to see re-assurance from this forum. Many have supplemented their various review courses with Ninja. I think you can study too long, but if you cram it's good to go on and take the test to prevent forgetting. I think you should focus on mcq's a suggested, you have a good trending score so it don't seem like you're unprepared. You got this, you'll be fine. Just keep reviewing each topic (exam subject) is going to be different and maybe require a different study tactic. But Good luck to you. Let us ninja's know the results.

    It begins with a 75
    Been here too long as a cheerleader....ready to pass


    Thank you all for the comments. I just finished at the test center. AUD is definitely rough!!! I mean, there were plenty of questions that I knew for sure and I feel like I got the “difficult” second testlet but there were 2-3 sims that I was taking educated guesses on and a few instances of blind stabbing at the answers. Bottom line is I have no clue how I did. How do you guys handle the time in between the test and getting the results? My first inclination is to continue studying the section I just took because I always feel like I failed or likely failed after sitting for these tests.

    With regards to how the Ninja MCQS stack up to the test..I still feel like the ones I went through had a larger % of “our of left field”/non main concept questions. Regardless, it’s a solid resource and I’ll be using it for Roth my retake or my last test. Good luck to everyone!


    @A_Rish – I think it is a normal feeling to walk out of the testing center thinking you failed. I think you'll be fine. Who knows, maybe one of those simulations you guessed on was actually a pretest! I would start studying for the next section. Best case scenario, you passed, and already have a couple weeks put in for your next exam. If you didn't pass, it's no big deal to just circle back around and retake it. Good luck! I find out my results Tuesday, hoping for an early release and the anxiety is kicking in haha.

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