Another 74…….need some positive messages from folk please! - Page 2

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  • #157351

    Okay…I just got my AUD score over the weekend…..AND…… a 74 !!! That makes THREE 74’s for me so far (one in BEC, which I’ve passed and two in AUD.)

    I need a little help from everyone here…..why am I not throwing in the towel? Why do we do this to ourselves?

    I’ll take any positive feedback I can get at this point………because I’ve now kissed April and May good-bye (in terms of having a life!!)

    Only other candidates can relate to how I’m feeling right now…..

    (My family thinks there’s a scorer who is doing this to me on purpose!)


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  • #617331

    i didnt memorize audit, somehow in the last few days, everything fell into place. I understood the concept, and what the reports required. there are few key things to remember though, eg. directional testing (understand which way is completeness and which way is existence testing will help you in 40% of the questions!) , and things like review only requires inquiry and observation, compilation never requires independence, agreed upon procedures always has limitation in distribution…if you remember these characteristics, you will have idea about the report…and you dont need to memorize the reports word by word…just remember the skeleton of the basic audit report…and remember the main characteristics (like i mentioned above)….i'm sure you'll be able to do it!

    And No, i havent received my AUD scores…still waiting…but my exam went pretty well so very hopeful….i scored above 80 during the test sessions at home….so I think i'll pass. If i dont, I'll work harder.

    I used Wiley/Yeager combo….my strategy was to devide the chapters into 3 parts. First, the introduction (Attestion and all…), Internal control and reports….Second, Evidence and Audit sampling….third was IT. Dividing the chapters in this way gave me a flow to understand the logic more clearly. Of course people have their own strategy, but i made notes vigorously….and wrote and re-wrote instead of reading the notes….and dont forget to stick notes around your walls! esp in important areas and your weak topics. I swear this helps so much!

    DOnt loose hope! Good luck to you!

    75 CPA

    I did 467 questions in “CPA Review for Free” 4 days before my exam last week. Some of those same questions were on my exam!


    cpa review for free is good stuff used it for reg and bec

    83 Reg, 76 BEC, 94 Aud, 79 Far

    Done ......!


    Wow it's been 4 years since the last post here. I was just googling “74 cpa score” and it lead me here lol I'm really bummed cause I got a 74 in reg today! Did all of u guys pass the cpa already? Any tips for reg and far?

    “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philippians 4:13
    BEC-80 yay!!
    AUD- 91 whohooo!
    REG- 67:( 74:( really?! I'll see you in April REG!!! 87!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm done as of August 2015!!!
    FAR- 68:( 79!!!! 2015 is soooo loving me!

    Mary 2496

    It took me four times to pass BEC. It just wasn't my cup of tea. It took me three times to pass AUD (just found out I got an 84 on the third try). I have taken REG twice and got a 73 both times (found that out today, too). I also tried FAR (didn't give myself enough time to prepare) and got a 63.

    People do fail – and it sucks. I also have REG and FAR left. Let's keep moving forward together. We will just keep studying and plugging away until we pass the other two sections. We can do it – it will be okay, I promise!


    Don't give up guys. I just scrolled through those old posts and I believe all of their sigs said they are DONE and you will be too. A 74 is heartbreaking, but it can be overcome! Just back in there and take them again at the beginning of January. You can do it!!!

    CPA Exam - Finally DONE (November 2014)
    BEC (08/10/13) 80
    AUD (08/24/13) 65 (11/13/13) 85
    FAR (04/12/14) 81
    REG (07/19/14) 69 (11/29/14) 87!!


    Wiley test bank. Mcqs by the 1000s is the best advice I can offer.


    Thanks everyone! Your kind words are super helpful.

    “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philippians 4:13
    BEC-80 yay!!
    AUD- 91 whohooo!
    REG- 67:( 74:( really?! I'll see you in April REG!!! 87!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm done as of August 2015!!!
    FAR- 68:( 79!!!! 2015 is soooo loving me!


    i have found the blog I need. I have been out of school 20 years work in the corporate world decided the CPA was my only lane to have more options in career choices. I just got my 4th audit score back – 45, 72, 68 and now a 65. I did Ninja mcqs this time and was trending at 83% although my avg score was 68.

    So my question…do I keep trudging through Audit and do more review sections from the Becker I took and the NINJA stuff or should I try to tackle BEC and maybe get an ego boost…i feel like i need to stay with Audit until i pass… it does have the lowest passing % in the 40s so maybe I am not the idiot I think I am for not being able to tackle this monster.

    Any thoughts are appreciated.


    @tj5998 I passed BEC and AUD by using Becker and ninja notes. I only read the ninja notes once after I finished watching all the videos and doing all the MCQs and simulations. Then, I rewatched the videos over again. I would say what works is repitition. Just do it over and over again until you understand it.

    I am currently preparing for FAR and I'm not sure if I can do the same review method for it. It's so much materials compared to the other 3 exams and I am on a time constraint 🙁 Sorry just venting here lol anyway good luck on your exams!

    “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" - Philippians 4:13
    BEC-80 yay!!
    AUD- 91 whohooo!
    REG- 67:( 74:( really?! I'll see you in April REG!!! 87!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I'm done as of August 2015!!!
    FAR- 68:( 79!!!! 2015 is soooo loving me!

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