Reading a college textbook can be a great way to learn, if you can stomach them. Given that you seem to learn well from reading, I would advise a curriculum based on that rather than based on lectures. The only one that I'm aware of that's textbook-based is Wiley, though I'm half-tempted to say you can get the Gleim books and test bank without lectures, so they may be an option as well. I learn well from reading, so used Wiley myself and it was awesome. Basically you get a textbook for each exam, read through it as you did with the Audit book, and then take the exam.
To verify your schedule though… You have 10 credits to complete, but can't start till spring; you can start your exams 160 days before you finish your credits. Do you mean you will be completing the 10 credits in the spring semester which is starting in the next couple/few weeks? If so, then they'll be completed within 160 days, so when would you be planning to start your CPA exams? If you meant for some reason that it'd be spring of the 15-16 school year before you do your last 10 credits, then I assume that would mean it would be at least September before you start your exams, which is way too long to study for AUD if you started now; however, if you could theoretically test any time, then I'd see if you could get your paperwork processed in time to test the end of this month or start of next before the semester gets heavily underway, given that you're already scoring pretty well. No need to study for a long time if you're understanding well in a short time.
Edited cause I realized I didn't answer your actual question. 🙂 Each exam varies widely, so if you've checked the official breakdown to how much that's tested, that's probably your best bet. Beyond that, I might have twice as many questions on it as you do, but either one of us would get in trouble for saying exactly how many. 😐