AUD Study Group – Q1 2018 - Page 20

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    Welcome to the Q1 2018 CPA Exam Study Group for AUD. 🙂

    Introduce yourselves and let your fellow NINJAs know when you plan to take your exam.

    The Five Steps (NINJA Framework):

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  • #1717181

    @jiji..thanks. i really hope i passed and hoping the same for everyone else. no you don't need to go back to FAR but definitely know how to make the basic accrual and deferral entries and thats about it.


    I took my exam on the 16th. Like what fahm110 & SnakeEyes said; the MCQ's were tough, but if you studied the material it should be manageable. The SIMS were hard as #@$! (hoping they were actually hard and not just “hard for me”). My research question was also irritatingly difficult, It took 15 minutes longer than it should lol. I finished the test with seconds left to review my sims :'(

    and thanks @Kev i made sure I had A4 somewhat down haha

    Good luck guys


    What topics does A4 cover for those without Becker?


    @Tim. This chapter focuses on performing further procedures, forming conclusions, and communications. A4 hits on the major transaction cycles, the written communications that exist (btw management and those charged with governance) and also on internal control deficiencies and misstatements


    Wow, that's a regular smorgasbord of stuff. Thanks.


    Hi everyone!

    Can anyone please explain me what is control occurrence?


    An auditor established a $60,000 tolerable misstatement for an asset with an account balance of $1,000,000. The auditor selected a sample of every twentieth item from the population that represented the asset account balance and discovered overstatements of $3,700 and understatements of $200. Under these circumstances, the auditor most likely would conclude that:

    Answer: There is an unacceptable high risk that actual misstatements in the population exceed the tolerable misstatement because the total projected misstatement is more than the tolerable misstm

    I do not agree the way how they calculate the projected misstatement. Here how they did:

    Selection of every twentieth item results in a sample that 5% (1/20 =0.05) of the population. Net overstatement = $3,500 ($3,700 – $200). Projected misstatement is $70,000 (=$3,500/0.05)

    Understatement and overstatement are both misstatement, right? How come understatement can cancel out overstatement ? Because I think they both misstatements, so when I solve this I would add them up ($3,700 + $200 = $3,900). If the understatement is $3000 (bigger misstatements), then the projected misstatement will only be $14,000 (=700/0.05) and can state that the account is fairly present (b/c $14,000 < $60,000). That just does not make sense for me. I know they just test the fairness of TOTAL Account Balance. But for me, you can not use one misstatement to offset the other misstatement and consider that the account is fairly stated

    Any thought?


    Ok thanks Famh110!



    I think it is not an understatement since the auditor established a $60,000 tolerable misstatement out of the overall balance in the account. Remember that an auditor wants to have reasonable assurance F/S are fairly presented or not materially misstated.

    The way they calculate the sample is very strange but that's the way it is done i guess.


    hey , any tips regarding how revision should be done? for before the exams as ell as when taking progress tests with the becker software. My revision almost takes up a day because i don't know what to focus on and end up reading a lot more than i think i should have during revision. anybody with some advise ?


    @mm95x just do MCQs until youre sick of them and then do them again. That is the key with AUD since it is really all conceot base and minimal math


    Zunnie, under/over misstatements are always netted together because the fact is that some misstatements are under and some are over so you must look at what the net effect will be. In this question, they're concerned with the possible misstatement that can exist in that account. Their samples are meant to be reflective of the entire population so while there was 3700 over, there was also 200 under, which implies that the rest of the population would have similar over/under statements.

    I have had plenty of times where a client has overstated one account and understated another – net effect, zero misstatement. Depending on why we may ask them to reclass it but often it isn't even necessary because unless it will create a GAAP issue with presentation, it has no effect on the FS as a whole.


    I passed. It's great! How you guys


    Taking AUD 3/9. Any suggestions on sims?


    go through AICPA sample test will help u

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