AUD Study Group – Q2 2018 - Page 6

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    That's great You'll get some studying done this weekend! I'm taking a day off from studying, and going to run some errands with my wife, and start studying again tomorrow.


    You have plenty of time to get through all the materials and review before your exam date (5/2). I thought A4 was the longest out of all the units..maybe A1 too lol. It's not bad at all after A4. As for my progress, I have been doing sets of 36 MCQs on progress tests, and have been averaging anywhere from 94-97%. I don't think this is going to be the same average when I start doing the Ninja MCQs, but I'll do that once I'm through all the Becker units. I just don't want to get complacent with the Becker MCQs, but I feel like I have the concepts down for the most part. Hope yours is going well?


    @Big4Bean…you are right A1 was a monster chapter. It took forever to end. Well, you are doing great on your PTs. I think you will fly through Auditing. I take mini practice tests through out the day, 5 or may be 10 questions at a time and my average is at 80%. I need to increase this. What are you doing that helps with retention and scoring so well? Please share your approach. It will probably take me another 2 days to finish A3.


    I have FAR coming up in 2 days so not paying so much attention but doing at least 50 set of MCQs and trending is 85 above right now with mixed practice. I know where I am weak in TBS relating to “Assertions” what assertion belongs to what activity and “audit procedure” What to do when? I have Roger to re-listen these areas and Ninja monthly, I am sure these do take me over the hump in next 10 days.

    Thanks for asking. When is yours?


    @Sona I have till June 3. I give myself 2 months of 20 hour week study. I graduated with my masters 13 years ago. so I am a little rusty.


    Same situation here. My REG expiring on 14th April So need to give it a chance 😉


    Combo of classical music on YouTube & rain sounds on my sound machine getting me thru a 15 hour study weekend.


    I take AUD on May 8 for the first time. I'm taking FAR this coming monday, April 2, and will begin preparing for AUD on April 3. Only going to give myself one night off from studying. I've been studying FAR since January 8 so I'm really excited to start preparing for AUD. I think the material will be a nice change of pace for me. I'm getting kind of burnt out from reviewing the FAR material over and over again. I look forward to chiming in on this AUD group from time to time once I'm done with FAR.



    Regardless how many MCQs you do a day, you should be fine as long as you understand why a correct answer choice is correct and why incorrect answers are incorrect. As for my retention for all the concepts, I wish I could tell you there is a magic secret, but there is no easy way. I believe I am able to retain most of the concepts by doing the MCQs repeatedly. The repetition helps. Sure – you may be inadvertently memorizing some questions and answers since AUD is mostly conceptual, but it also helps you to remember why each question is correct and incorrect by just looking at their explanations. If I have some serious trouble understanding specific concepts, I would refer back to the textbook, and read the relevant chapters then do the MCQs on those troubled topics until I feel comfortable with them.


    Thanks so much @Big4Bean. That's very true, only through practice we can improve our game. Are you listening to the lectures/reading text or just attempting MCQ's directly and then going back to text? For the 1st 2 chapters, I just read the text and then attempted the MCQS. But for chapters like chp 3 and probably thru chapters 5 i will go thru the standard route of listening to lectures and doing skills and then mcqs. The only issue is it takes so much time. If I set out to do everything in a chapter it takes a week to complete everything. Not sure why Becker recommends 2 chapters a week. Not very realistic IMO! My BEC expires in December that's why I am freaking out.

    Anyways, I think skills practice shouldn't be skipped because they tie in to Blueprints. I noted yesterday that Chp 3 has many skills practice at Analysis Level and some of the Sampling ones are the Application Level which leads me to believing we can get up couple of SIMs for those topics in that chapter. Plus, Tim Gearty said chapter 2 and chapter 3 give candidates trouble and are the most heavily tested areas so there you go! Off to mastering chapter 3 now.

    , i am listening to some relaxing study music as well during the long study sessions lol. how's your progress been?


    I usually choose to do only new questions when doing MCQ's, both Gleim and Ninja allow that. I'm very good at memorizing question answers. In fact the other day I did like 100 questions of only ones I got incorrect the last time I saw them and I got 100% on them. I really don't like doing repeat MCQ's because of this.


    @FamH110 I did 9 hours of vids on Becker Saturday! So proud. I listened and i think i retained. I took my notes in my Becker Book and then filled in the gaps in my Ninja Notes. I should be doing MCQ, but it feels better to me to review my notes and get the concepts so i can “reason” my way thru MCQ. I plan to do 5 or 6 hours today!

    @Tim Have to tried buying cheap MCQ programs to make sure you don't memorize? I signed up for “CPA for Free” you get a 1000 free MCQ. I have not tried it yet. I tried Super F-A-S-T CPA to try quick 5 quiz questions. I do them when Im bored in line or feel the need to “Facebook.” Its not great (I prefer Ninja by far) but a change can be good.

    : How is it going? @Big4Bean advice is correct about MCQ. Hitting those MCQ until your eyes bleed? I stopped wearing makeup on big MCQ days. My eyes water too much and i need to be able to rub my eyes. Cold cumber slices work good. My co-worker (guy) tried them and said it helps with the eye strain. Now i just need a work out for the cramps in my Ninja hand. Lol.



    I took auditing course in undergrad about 2 years ago. Although the concepts are familiar to me, I don't quite remember everything I learned from the course so I found it helpful to listen to T.Gearty/M. Brown's video lectures before attempting any MCQs. This is what I have been doing (and did for FAR):

    1) Watch the lecture videos for each module
    2) Do the skills practices for each module
    3) Do the MCQs for each module
    4) Repeat the first three steps for all the modules
    5) Go back and read all the modules (I do this to remember better and check if I might've missed something during the lectures because these instructors tend to skip some texts)
    6) Do cumulative sets of progress tests for that unit (MCQs for all the modules within one unit)
    7) Do the Step 6) for all the units I have covered so far.

    I've heard some people skip the lectures and jump straight into the MCQs and just learn from the MCQs, but I don't see how they do that without understanding the basic/underlying concepts. It doesn't work for me, I do the way it works for me, and it has for FAR, and I hope it works for AUD as well.


    I agree Big4BeanCounter. MCQ's are good for identifying areas you don't understand (so you can go review them), solidifying your understanding of the material, and learning small details you missed in your initial review of the material. They absolutely do not replace actual studying (whether by reading or watching lectures).

    Another mistake I see people make is they just review all the material at once, then do MCQ's after they've studied the entire exam worth of material. You really need to tackle it in sections. Read/watch a section, practice problems from that section, move on to the next section. It's all going to just fall right out of your head and/or be extremely inefficient if you try to tackle the whole thing at once.


    I'm doing final review. I'm still trending in the 75% for MCQs in Becker in mock exam — I end up getting questions wrong that I feel very confident about. Which I find so odd. And mostly okay on the TBS. For TBS it depends on the topics. Like someone said before they need to ask me the right questions! I think I'm going to go through all the Skills Practice once before the exam in addition to other review stuff.

    I'm taking the exam this week either Wed or Thur (will sign up tomorrow). Wish me luck!


    I am focused on FAR today and tomorrow for the 3rd April (the big day). Also posted one AICPA sim question on FAR group which is tricky and one for BAD-debt treatment for NFP. If anyone from here please explain.

    Today I am doing Ninja MCQs at least 30 from each section for FAR and then will switch to Roger and will do the same. Did lot of sims from Roger y'day. Tomorrow I will do 2 practice tests from NINJA and Roger each.

    How is it going for you?

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