AUD Study Group – Q2 2018 - Page 3

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    Proof my AUD audio is on a loop in my car:
    Neighbor: My engement party is next week.
    7 our old niece: Engagement letters have to b in writing.
    She is always in my car w me. Lol.


    I am 34 with two little ones so studying gets really tough at times (can totally relate to you @allsheneeded) and to make matters extra challenging my husband totally discourages me from studying so with that said, it has been a tough journey but i must get this done. it has been a dream for way too long. i am glad i am in good company here…this forum is amazing, get to interact with bunch of dedicated and helpful individuals so thank you jeff!! and thank you @julia for sharing your tips. i will implement the idea of rewriting my notes this time.

    @tim, going back to that AICPA Inventory question…Inventory that is consigned out a consignor is recorded in a separate inventory account can be called something like Inventory-Consignment/ Consigned Inventory by the consignor. Yes, it still belongs to the consignor at year but it must be designated as consigned out as it not part of your finished good inventory. If the customer demands it, would you be able to sell it out of your warehouse? No, thus it has be deducted from the normal inventory count. sorry, it took a while to get back to you on this. i had to recall myself, didn't want to give out incorrect info.


    @julia: haha, too funny!!


    @Famh110 I am amazed u r doing this w small kids! Ur going to do awesome. My husband says “u didn't fail as long as our trying.” Jeff said “keep taking it till they ask the right questions. ” lol.
    If it was easy, more people wud do this.


    @julia Thank you for your kind words!! Those are some good lines with great impact! Positive thinking is vital in this journey and with everything else in life. Glad we are tackling this exam together! On to finishing A2 today, totally hating all those IT related questions. The questions go in great depth but the book doesn't ever go in this much detail.


    @famh I am doing Becker. I am doing the section on Engagement Planning b/c I have been listing to ninja Engagement section on AUD audio on loop all week.
    I finished A1 Thursday.
    I killed IT on BEC last month. Or as some call it “IT COSO” test. So I have not made it a priority.


    Finished A3 on Becker yesterday. Taking a break today then moving onto A4 (Transaction Cycles) tomorrow!


    @BeanCounter – great pace! The videos drain me more than I wud think. So I have to take lots of 15 min breaks to stay interested. I plan to finish Engagement Planning today & move on the next section tomorrow.
    But I'm trying not to put on too much pressure since my test is Jun 3. But I need time to do MCQ & Sims twice.


    @beancounter I am done w 2 sections. Finished 1 today after 6 hours of videos.
    I will then compare Becker to Ninja notes & fill in gaps of info I need to review again. I bounded my ninja notes & fill in gaps with pretty color pens. Lol.


    You guys are studying hard I see. I just finished A1- it was loooong. Starting A2 tomorrow but tax season is kicking my butt I am constantly exhausted. I also have two little boys that have a lot of energy, and I mean A LOT. But I also have two lazy cats so there is the balance here.


    Finished reading/taking notes for SU 3 & 4 in Gleim today. Gonna read and take notes over the entire book before I tackle any MCQs/SIMs. This method seemed to work for me for FAR. Time to call it a night.


    @stan when is ur test?

    @cpawanna be when is ur test?


    OK. It looks like
    Famh110 u test end of April.
    Beancounter is end of April.
    CPAWannab is end of May.

    So by mid April for Bean & Famh110 u will b in review by mid April. That look feasible? U should have most of ur videos & notes prepared by then so u can concentrate on MCQ & Sims.

    CPAWANNAB & I b in review by mid May. We should have all our videos and & to notes done so can concentrate on MCQ and Sims.

    Super excited! We can do this!


    @Julia – that's great you have some time to go over the materials twice! Yes – my AUD exam is not until 4/27, but I plan on finishing everything earlier than originally scheduled so I can start studying for BEC as well after taking AUD in Q2.


    @famh110 I know thr hubster is the same way. Some days he’s super supportive others he’s like man when is this going to end. I’m putting everyone through misery which is my biggest movtivation now.

    I’m currnetly in review mode which means I’m also relearning stuff because my memory is very short term. I am taking mock 1 in bits today I’ll put together final score by tonight.

    Happy studying everyone

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