My experience is pretty similar to those of others. I finished the 2 MCQ Testlets within an hour so I had 3 hours remaining for the Sims. For some reason, I felt really tired at the 3rd Testlet, probably because of the numerous documents & exhibits for the sims that I had to read through, and ended up spending an hour for the 2 Sims. Overall I finished the exam with over 30 minutes remaining after looking over the research question for like 10 times, even reading most of the paragraphs in the specific Authoritative Literature Section, to ensure my answer was the best choice.
I studied using Ninja MCQ & Gleim test bank. The Ninja MCQs are more representative of the ones on the actual exam, and the AICPA sample test Sims are representative of the ones on the exam. Some sims on the exam are definitely more challenging and subjective. There were definitely a few boxes where I had absolutely no idea what the question was even asking.
But overall, of the 3 exams I have taken, this is the only exam where I left the Testing center feeling confident that I got at least a 75. The other 2 exams, I left thinking I failed.
So my recommendations are definitely work through the MCQs fast, and give yourself as much time as possible for the Sims. Sims are definitely time consuming & feels like a marathon. There will be questions that are almost impossible to prepare for because of the way the question is framed, but don't waste too much time on them. Know which fights to pick, and capitalize on getting Sims that are more straight forward (research question) correct.