AUD Study Group – Q2 2018 - Page 12

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    So update on my progress:

    I went through all the units on Becker AUD a few days ago, so I'm going to take the first mock exam for additional MCQs/SIMs practice today. I also changed the exam date for an earlier date since I feel prepared (I don't think 8 additional days of studying is going to make any significant difference and that's how I felt when I took FAR too).

    After taking the mock exam, I'm going to start hammering MCQs from Ninja (averaging/trending 88%/91% respectively) as well as Becker MCQs. 11 more days to go!


    @Big4Bean- you are working at a great pace! i am sure you will do great on your exam. Are you able to complete 2 chapters per week? I am moving at an incredibly slow pace, not sure how I can speed up. Finally started A4 but overall progress is improving scoring in 85-90% on PT. Also, in NINJA do you work in adaptive mode?



    Great job on your improvement on the PTs! I got a 72 on the first mock exam. There are a couple MCQs I didn't read carefully, a couple MCQs I didn't know what the questions were asking, as well as Becker not giving partial points on some of the SIMs.

    I did one unit (chapter) a week until A4, then I finished A5/A6 in a week since they weren't bad at all. As of now, I'm still in the assessment mode as I haven't done enough MCQs to be in the adaptive mode. I split my time between doing Becker MCQs and Ninja MCQs so it's going to take a little bit before I get to that adaptive phase. For FAR, I was almost in the last phase, but I didn't see any significant changes in the distribution of the MCQs.


    I'm at the very end of the AUD material and a lot of the SSAE stuff seems very similar, and like a review of sorts. Is anybody else feeling this way or is it just bleeding together for me?


    @Big4Bean, got it! Thank you. You have 11 days and you just scored a 72 so I am sure you can bring it up considerably during your review phase so keep on doing what you are doing and you will be set.


    @fam u sound like ur set.
    @big bean u sound REALLY set! Lol.
    Jsdaily: I'm done w 5 sections of AUD & everything running together!
    Incorporated my Becker book into the shorter ninja notes.
    Finishing last section of AUD today. Then Next week going to start re-writing notes to make sure stuff sticks correctly.


    @julia…lol. I wish!! Please guide me on how you are able to cover so much material in this time? I moving at a turtle's pace, super slow!! it takes me anywhere between 8-10 days per chapter. i put in 4 hours per module per day. What am i doing wrong? per my original calendar, I should have been right around finishing up Becker at this time but I just started A4. I think I will be done just with Becker by the end of April and I won't have any time left for review which is so critical. I at least want to attempt all the questions from Becker as well as Ninja and re-write my notes. I don't want push back the test either but from the way its going some thing has to change in my approach I feel.

    Looking forward to all the great responses. Thanks so much!! @BigBean, please provide your input as well!!


    @fam I am 38 & happily married. But I was not blessed w kids. But I was blessed w an amazing husband who pushes me to study. I only work 40 hours a week. I gave up all my volunteer programs.
    So, I am able to cover material in big blocks of time. This great when u have momentum going.
    I don't know how u guys do it w kids.


    @julia, being happily married is a huge blessing in its own and of course kids are big blessing as well. it looks like our situations are reversed though. we all have our share of blessings and challenges!

    thats the problem with my schedule. i can study only in chunks so it breaks the momentum and it takes a while to get back in the zone and by that time i am pulled from studying. i am not working currently, home with 2 kids and they are my full time responsibility. i have changed my schedule and now waking up at 5 and study from 5:30 to 7:30 in the mornings and from 5:30 to 7:30 in the evenings. in between, i have the ninja audio on and have started doing mcqs on the phone as time permits.


    @jsdailey – I felt that way in A5 and A6. I was getting discouraged because I was worried that I wasn't retaining anything from those chaps, like it was just going into a jumble of information in my head. I didn't average as high for those chapters on the mock exam as I did A1-4, but I did better than I was expecting! Now going through in my review things are becoming much more clear. Don't fret – you'll get it!


    @A-L thanks for the input. It just really feels like there aren't many differences in those sections. The MCQ Assessment on those sections really drilled on PCAOB ICFR, which isn't terribly complex so fingers crossed.


    Hi friends! I took audit today and I'm not really sure what to think, I feel indifferent as well. The MCQs were nothing crazy for me, although the exam really focused on two main topics to the point where I was thinking “why didn't I study those few chapters for a month straight instead of killing myself with full review!?” I had one SIM that wasn't marked as analysis or evaluation, which I was a bit upset about given that I did 36 SIMs in the three days leading up to my exam that were either Analysis or Evaluation. The rest I felt were manageable, but there were so many documents to review that I was very overwhelmed. I prepared as best as I could I guess. Good luck to all of those who will be taking the exam this quarter! Stay strong!


    Honestly, I have nothing but time to study right now as I'm graduating with my masters in May. Also, my wife is very supportive of me studying like there is no tomorrow. She understands the process, so I'm blessed. When you have nothing but time to study, you would be able to go through the materials like I can. In fact, I did 10 sets of 36 MCQs from Becker and 10 sets of 30 MCQs from Ninja today. If I'm not burnout by the time I finish studying with MCQs, then I'll put in some SIMs, but I feel like if I understand the concepts just from doing the MCQs, the knowledge will secret sauce, just putting my time and effort.

    I'm sure you passed. Now, you just got to wait like everyone else until the 27th of June! Any tips and suggestions for those who are taking AUD soon?


    @Big4Bean…you mean to say you did 660 mcqs today?? oh my goodness! that's crazy but sounds like you are actually enjoying this stuff. no doubt in my mind that you will be acing your exam. wish i could get some of your


    @Big4Bean…support of family is so crucial during this long journey. its great that you have a supportive wife! it's wise of you to get this exam done sooner than later because with more responsibilities things just get harder not easier.

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