Also, may I add that “going over everything once” isn't going to cut it as repetition is key to learning, grasping, and passing this exam. Most review courses provide the material in multiple mediums because not everyone learns the same way, not necessarily because you need to use every single form of learning to study (audio, visual, reading/writing), nor that doing so will increase your chance of passing. So find out how you learn best and stick to that medium. I'm not sure how many sections, if any, you passed/taken already, but you may learn that your study approach is different for each section depending on the information you're being tested on. For example, I used audios for BEC, read most of the book, and used flashcards.
For AUD I mainly just practiced MCQ's – I reviewed the book here and there, but I didn't listen to audios, or study flashcards even though I made some. I found AUD to be super easy to study for, and since it's mainly conceptual, reviewing things via flashcard wasn't too necessary since you either get it or you don't. Hopefully I passed even though the SIMS I got had lots of calculations related to FAR that I had absolutely no idea how to do, and now SIMS are 50% of your score. UGH!
Now for FAR, I'm taking another different approach, lol, and am reading each chapter since it's the section I'm most worried about since there's so much information and I've been out of school for 4 years. I have to refresh my memory on everything, so I need to start at the beginning so that I pass on my first try. Not sure if i'll listen to audios yet, but I will definitely make flashcards for formulas and such as I learn best with flashcards.