Thank you so much!!! I totally will admit that I happy cried. For anyone that wants advice on how I did it, my best advice for you is after a re-take to be honest with yourself about your weaknesses. I was stronger in MCQS and weaker in SIMs which is always intimidating since SIMs can be the most difficult to prepare for.
I knew exactly where I had to have messed up (although this required retrospective examination considering I thought I really did ok my first time through) and I hit those areas hard with the NINJA notes/audio as well as Wiley SIMs + CPAReviewforfreesims! I solidified my knowledge to make sure I didn't go down in the MCQs while really working hard on areas that I had struggled with from the SIMs. This time I also used my full 4 hours because I was not willing to leave any points on the table.
Couldn't have done it without you, 1 more exam to go guys!! Happy studying everyone and congratulations to all those who passed, and keep on going for those who are planning to re-take!!! It can and will be done!!
FAR 4/9/12- PASSED
BEC 7/13/12- PASSED
AUD 8/16/12- Ughhh 71, Rematch: 90!!!
REG-12/6/12 PASSED
USC MAcc- Fight on!
They say good things come to those who wait, but only those things that are left by those who hustle.