You must read - Page 2

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  • #173003

    Yesterday I took things to a whole new level. I have officially gone nuts. Let me tell the story…….

    While getting ready yesterday morning for the day, I suddenly realized that the only pair of red panties I own I had worn on Tuesday. Now let me preface this by telling you how desperate I am for a pass on this last REG exam. I was literally dying over the thought of failing it again.

    I passed my last 2 exams wearing those red panties, and failed the other exams when I hadn’t worn them. (Superstitious, yes…).

    I took hold of those red panties…..turned on the sink…..grabbed the soap……and scrubbed away. Washed my lucky red panties in the bathroom sink, wrung them out, hung on the towel bar – and blow dried them. There was just no time for a full wash OR dry cycle before I had to leave the house.

    I still can’t believe I did that. I went European style in my own American bathroom, just to wear my lucky red panties. I have officially lost my mind.

    Moral of the Story: Wash & Wear Thy Red Panties, Pass With Thy Best Score Yet.

    Desperate times, desperate measures….cheers to an 84 on my monster, REG! Celebrating all weekend!

    P.S. I don’t dare tell anyone I know about this incident, but I figured you all would appreciate it 😉

    F - 53, 78
    B - 71, 75
    R - 73, 84
    A - August 2012

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  • Author
  • #359333

    @ Mrs 300 I'm glad I could brighten up your Monday morning.


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