Took AUD again today

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  • #1690177

    Weird experience this time around.

    AUD was nothing like I expected and had on the first round. I failed the first time with 70. Reviewed 4 weeks with WILEY Notes, Roger CPA Book, and Becker CPA Flashcards so I pretty much covered all knowledge but some of the questions on the exam were kinda out there. Hope those are throwaways.

    my MCQ with Roger testbank were 85%++ so I was confident that I knew the materials.

    Study Material:
    BEC - FEB/2012
    AUD - FEB/2012
    FAR - JULY/2012
    REG - JULY/2012

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  • #1690217

    Did you feel that the stuff on the exam was not covered in your materials? I felt dazed and confused after each exam. These are tough exams, hopefully you did well.


    I dont know. Like some stuffs was on internal control or control activities but the level of understanding they asked were pretty in depth.

    But thanks. I knew the materials but I'm not sure what to make of the test. I'll update on 2/9!

    Study Material:
    BEC - FEB/2012
    AUD - FEB/2012
    FAR - JULY/2012
    REG - JULY/2012


    Exactly this! This was my second time taking audit, the first time was under the old format and I got an 80+.

    I took it recently and I was surprised on how hard some of these questions were! The Sims were ridiculous as well.

    I did the exam rehearsal from gleim and Wiley and scored 70's on both practice exams. Keep in mind I rushed through them and didn't read some of the questions completely.

    The first time around, I walked out with an hour left and felt confident that I passed. This time, I left with 52 mins left but was so confused on what just happened!


    Odd that I saw this post. Took the exam on 11/29 and got a 74. Retook the exam 1/2 because I felt like I had a good grasp on the material. I had the SAME EXACT EXPERIENCE!!

    I left the exam totally dazed, nothing like the first exam. Questions were way trickier and also SIMS were out there as well. I honestly left the exam feeling like I failed it. The earlier exam I took on 11/29 I felt confident on.

    Even crazier, the first exam I had an hour left because I flew through the exam feeling confident on all my answers. This 1/2 exam I took my time but felt like the exam was 10x harder.

    Just FYI, I used Surgent and had a trending 88%. I know the material well! Hopefully we all passed 🙁


    Yeah. I definitely think the exam was harder. Wish I studied as much as I did this time around when I took the first AUD last year, I know I would have passed that! That one was easy.

    Study Material:
    BEC - FEB/2012
    AUD - FEB/2012
    FAR - JULY/2012
    REG - JULY/2012


    Ehh you guys have me feeling nervous now. I failed audit with a 74 in December, and I felt confident I did well. I'm sitting on 1/21 to try to get it done before busy season days get too long. How did you guys prep for the retake? I have Becker and Gleim's test bank. Honestly I'm having trouble focusing on re-studying this material again.


    I sat on 1/5 and felt even more confident then when I sat in July and failed with a 74 (still don't know how that is allowed!!!) Really thinking I pulled a passing score this time. I hope the same for you!!

    Now, time to get off this forum and continue studying for REG……


    I did nothing but mcqs. Literally all of them and made sure to get at least 75% correct on all sections.


    I think, it's possible to pass AUD by just doing MCQs, especially if you:
    – Read the ‘correct/incorrect' answer's explanation.
    – Maximum 1.5hr for MCQs on the actual exam.
    – A 2.5hrs for SIMs on the actual exam is a greater chance of passing.
    – Visiting AICPA site for sample test is a must. Practice all 4 sections sample tests if you can.
    I passed AUD twice, and a few in the 70s in all my attempts.


    Could you let us know a few areas that were heavily tested and least tested? I understand every exam is different. Thanks.


    I took audit in Q4 2017 and had to retake it in the current Q1 2018. Definitely feel the questions were a little trickier and specific and there were so many on the same couple topics. I started to second guess myself a lot.

    I was so disappointed to see almost all the sims were so extensive with lots of tabs. And if they didn’t have tabs, they had really long explanations and lots of things to do where you keep having to scroll up and down, wasting lots of time. I tried to allocate 2 hours for MCQs and 2 hours for sims, but I’m glad I moved on to sims with 2.5 left because I needed all that time to do all that work. I got nervous I was gonna run out of time, but luckily did get through everything. I did have a couple sims I was able use the literature a lot to help answer but most were just specific to the information, not something you can look up.


    I took audit in November and got a 74 as well. That seems to be a common score and the worst score you can get. Why is this site called What is special about a 71?


    Hello everyone,

    Just like anything in life, adequate preparation results in adequate results. It is better to be “over prepared” for anything that comes your way in life than to have to deal with the disappointment that can result when you don't. Passing the CPA exam is no different. It is designed to make sure your overall understanding of the concepts inherent to the profesion and your application of them is sufficient to meet the needs of those relying on your judgment. The requirement of achieving a passing “grade” of 75% on each section of the exam within a reasonable window of time to become a CPA is designed to do just that. No one cares whether you scored 100% or 75% on any given section when it is all said and done.

    Those who are worried about having “over studied” for a particular section, like AUD, should in fact be very pleased with their preparation. Your efforts will benefit you not only on this particular section of the exam, but many concepts on other sections of the exam which are interrelated or in general when it comes to you practicing in the field as a CPA. The exam itself is adaptive which means those of you which were “close” to passing AUD before and felt like the exam was much more difficult this time around are in great shape. “Over studied” almost always results in success while the alternative results in uncertain results at best.

    Here's to the success of everyone on the exam!


    With the new format does the second testlet still get harder based off how well you did on the first? I took audit in Q4 and got a 74 but felt the mcs were very easy and straightforward on both testlets. I re-took in Q1 and again felt the first testlet was fairly easy but the second testlet was quite challenging probably only knowing about half for certain.

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