Tips for Audit SIM - Page 2

  • Creator
  • #1330739

    Hi All
    I have made some progress on how to solve SIMs of Audit exam.Making notes on patterns of Audit SIMU .So far I am able to solve most of Becker’s and Wiley’s Audit SIM using my new tricks.Earlier I used to be scared of Audit SIM .I would try that on REG or FAR.
    If it works in exam ( 5th Dec ,Monday ) I will share the tricks of Audit SIM on this forum.Feeling relieved.Stay tuned.

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  • Author
  • #1655483

    @Wannafree: Did you post your tips & tricks for AUD sims in some other post?

    FAR - < than 75, 10/2013, 2/2015
    BEC - < than 75, 10/2013
    AUD - < than 75, 8/2015, 1/2016

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    ~ I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me.
    ~ Something will grow from all you are going through. And it will be YOU.
    ~ Right now you may not be where you intend to be, but it's where you need to be in order to get where you want to go.

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