This is why the CPA exams are Complete BS - Page 3

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  • #463717

    That really sucks! Bad luck, IMO. Any grade within a few points of 75 is luck.

    I also don't think those reports really tell you anything useful, particularly since you got so close. I don't blame you for being bitter about multiple 74s.

    And fwiw, I agree the exam is bs.

    B: 75
    R: 80
    A: 77
    F: 81
    Ethics: 84, 92 and done!
    Licensed in California


    That really sucks! Bad luck, IMO. Any grade within a few points of 75 is luck.

    I also don't think those reports really tell you anything useful, particularly since you got so close. I don't blame you for being bitter about multiple 74s.

    And fwiw, I agree the exam is bs.

    B: 75
    R: 80
    A: 77
    F: 81
    Ethics: 84, 92 and done!
    Licensed in California

    Not a Quitter

    I experienced almost the exact same thing with AUD. Made two 74s in a row but my second time around I have more “Stronger” sections than the first time. I was pissed just like you are. I just passed on my third time with an 83. You will pass but I do agree something seems a little strange to me with the grading- who knows. The whole thing is kind of a a racket now with the fees and all of these review courses that are so $$$. Not too many years ago it cost $150 to take all four parts and now it's over $1,000. Gimme a break!

    FAR- 85 I'm DONE!
    BEC- 75
    REG- 60,60,75
    AUD- 74,74,83

    CPAExcel used for BEC, AUD, REG
    Exam Matrix used for FAR plus NINJA Blitz, cpareviewforfree and a little CPAExcel

    Not a Quitter

    I experienced almost the exact same thing with AUD. Made two 74s in a row but my second time around I have more “Stronger” sections than the first time. I was pissed just like you are. I just passed on my third time with an 83. You will pass but I do agree something seems a little strange to me with the grading- who knows. The whole thing is kind of a a racket now with the fees and all of these review courses that are so $$$. Not too many years ago it cost $150 to take all four parts and now it's over $1,000. Gimme a break!

    FAR- 85 I'm DONE!
    BEC- 75
    REG- 60,60,75
    AUD- 74,74,83

    CPAExcel used for BEC, AUD, REG
    Exam Matrix used for FAR plus NINJA Blitz, cpareviewforfree and a little CPAExcel


    Vagrant I have the same problem. My audit scores have been 70,74,71. BEC was 74,74,76. My audit score reports have been very similar to yours. I'm hanging in there and you do the same. We can beat it.

    BEC: 74,74,76
    REG: 70,
    AUD: 70,74,


    Vagrant I have the same problem. My audit scores have been 70,74,71. BEC was 74,74,76. My audit score reports have been very similar to yours. I'm hanging in there and you do the same. We can beat it.

    BEC: 74,74,76
    REG: 70,
    AUD: 70,74,


    You must study the sims inside and out. That is why you are failing and that is also why I failed FAR the first time.

    Don't believe the people that tell you that you can pass without studying & drilling sims!! Many on this forum say that you can skip studying the sims and just do multiple choice after multiple choice but I don't think that is a good strategy.

    Get Wiley and know the audit sims in that software inside and out..there aren't that many of them. If you do that and can keep up your MCQ scores you will pass.

    Drill on SIMS, SIMS, SIMS!!!


    You must study the sims inside and out. That is why you are failing and that is also why I failed FAR the first time.

    Don't believe the people that tell you that you can pass without studying & drilling sims!! Many on this forum say that you can skip studying the sims and just do multiple choice after multiple choice but I don't think that is a good strategy.

    Get Wiley and know the audit sims in that software inside and out..there aren't that many of them. If you do that and can keep up your MCQ scores you will pass.

    Drill on SIMS, SIMS, SIMS!!!


    I used Gleim sims. There is a ton of sims there. Rework on everything (MCQs and Sims), not just your weak areas otherwise your performance would just go back and forth.


    I used Gleim sims. There is a ton of sims there. Rework on everything (MCQs and Sims), not just your weak areas otherwise your performance would just go back and forth.


    I've been around a while, so I'll say that in the past you could actually do well on the Sims if you drilled MCQ's until your eye's started to bleed. I don't think that is the case now. You can't pass without knowing the JE's and passing BEC without practicing the WC is difficult if not impossible. Just remember the pain is short term, even if the sort term is several years. There is light at the end of the tunnel.


    I've been around a while, so I'll say that in the past you could actually do well on the Sims if you drilled MCQ's until your eye's started to bleed. I don't think that is the case now. You can't pass without knowing the JE's and passing BEC without practicing the WC is difficult if not impossible. Just remember the pain is short term, even if the sort term is several years. There is light at the end of the tunnel.


    @vagrant: I know it's sad to fail AUD with 74 ummm more like TORTURE but hang in there ..

    One advice : use authoritative literature as much as you can in your next attempt .. You have strong basics but simulation all 20 options look best .. So auth lit is your best friend next time ..

    My experience 🙂

    Good luck buddy ! Don't give up!! CPA is definitely worth title after so much hardship..


    @vagrant: I know it's sad to fail AUD with 74 ummm more like TORTURE but hang in there ..

    One advice : use authoritative literature as much as you can in your next attempt .. You have strong basics but simulation all 20 options look best .. So auth lit is your best friend next time ..

    My experience 🙂

    Good luck buddy ! Don't give up!! CPA is definitely worth title after so much hardship..

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