taking 1st exam friday (audit) HELP :(

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  • #1331121

    So I’ve been using Becker (audit), pretty much ruined my life these past two weeks getting through all the material, then I took both practice final exams today and got about a 60 on both of them. I don’t feel confident at all after that, but I’ve spent so much time studying and don’t know what else I can do. Do I have any shot at passing? And any advice for day before studying? This will be my first one, thank you!!

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  • #1331142

    First of all, yes. The exam is one part luck and one part studying;that being said, there is no guarantee. You can reschedule and study more, or, you can take a shot and look at it as a learning experience. You will know what to expect when you take the exam for real, which may help going forward. It all depends on your situation, after all, you have to pay for a retake…

    For what it is worth, I know someone who studied for three days and got a 74…

    Best of luck,


    How much/long did you study drl38? Did you study for just the past two weeks? How many hours per day? What was your method for studying?

    If you're really not feeling like you've got a shot, reschedule if you can, then study hard for the reschedule date. If not, do tons of MCQs and go throw up a prayer tomorrow.

    I'd say the exams are 95% preparation and 5% luck. Someone could get a set of MCQs/Sims on topics they're very familiar with, but the best way to make that happen is to get familiar with the topics.

    Licensed CPA
    Passed each section on the first try with Ninja Notes/MCQ/Audio


    I took my first exam (AUD) in November and I thought the exam was very passable (and I got a 74) Personally, I think doing more Ninja SIMS would have helped me but I have yet to receive my score report so I am going off my gut feeling. You need to understand the topics of course, but also how they effect each other and the relationships between them. If you don't feel like you are ready, see if you can extend the time instead of wasting the money to take the exam and then have to take it again, just my opinion of course.

    "Confidence is going after Moby Dick in a rowboat and taking tartar sauce with you" - Zig Ziglar
    Ninja book + Ninja MCQ + Roger
    AUD Oct 2016
    FAR Nov 2016
    BEC ?


    I agree with GitRDone2017, I took my AUD exam 2 weeks ago. I used Roger, Becker notes and Ninja MCQs. Everything I saw on the exam was gone over in Roger/Becker. I was mad at myself because although I have been studying since late summer I got distracted and demoralized by the election. This is exam is very passable, honestly I didn't think it was that difficult, although I might've failed (lol). The SIMs were manageable and I got through all 7 in time. During my FAR exam I only attempted 5 of the SIMs. I know the MCQs messed me up because the answer choices were so similar.

    Please learn the different types of reports, the different standards, go over the engagement letter, the management rep letter and just familiarize yourself with them. And please go over management assertions. If you're using Becker or Roger they have great mnemonics (learn these).

    If possible, reschedule your exam and take an additional 2 weeks to study. (I did this with FAR and passed). If you're not able to reschedule just go and do the exam. You might just pass.

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