I passed all 4 exams using Wiley materials. Wiley and CPAExcel have now merged; my understanding is that the textbooks now are basically the Wiley books, the lectures are basically the CPAExcel lectures, and the test banks were merged.
However, all 4 exams, I read the Wiley textbook, and used the Wiley test bank. I did own NINJA Audio, notes, and a precursor to the MCQs (at the time, I could buy Wiley test bank with these NINJA materials for about the same price as buying Wiley test bank by itself elsewhere, so I thought I might as well get the combo). The MCQs precursor I had I used for about 5 minutes total – it wouldn't run right on my computer (wasn't browser-based at the time) and I didn't like it. The notes I tried to use with one exam, did about 1 chapter of them, and that was it. The NINJA Audio I listened to the full time for one exam, and part of it for another, but that listening was while working and/or while driving in a car too loud to hear it, which is why I gave up on it after that for the rest of the exams, and I didn't hear much while also driving or working at the same time.
So, I'd say my study was 94% Wiley, 4.5% NINJA, and 1.5% Google. Wiley was definitely the driving force in my studies. I passed all 4 exams on the first try over a span of 5 months while working full-time (or close to it – my office was closed Wednesdays through the summer, but I worked every-other Wednesday to get more hours in and worked longer M, T, T, F on the weeks I took Wednesday off, so worked 35-40 hours a week through the summer). My scores were in the 79-83 range, with AUD a 91 or 92.
Passing with Wiley alone (the bits of Google and NINJA are optional) is definitely something that's been done – by me and many others – and that can be done many times over.
Now that being said, I have heard really good things about NINJA MCQs, and I've recommended them to people in person sometimes. Always with the caveat that I've never used them, but they sound like a good resource. So, if you're feeling a little unsure, maybe it's worth risking $47 to get them for your next exam, make you less likely to loss a couple hundred dollars on a re-take, and allow you to see what you think about them. One of the things that makes me comfortable recommending NINJA MCQs is that they are per-exam, so someone can get them, try them out, and if they don't feel like they helped, then they can skip them for the next exam.
I'm a success story with Wiley. It was dry, dull, and boring, but it covered everything, so on exam day, I didn't encounter anything that I felt like I'd never seen before. But…Wiley isn't right for everyone. If you're seriously doubting it, look into some free or cheap alternatives to supplement with. It's better to supplement for free (cpareviewforfree.com) or cheap (NINJA MCQs etc.) than to re-take. Or, if you think you're doing well and BEC was just an unfortunate close but not close enough situation, then move forward with Wiley. Wiley's good, as long as it's good for you, too.
P. S. It won't let me post cause it says it's a duplicate but it doesn't show my post, so if this ends up being a duplicate later, sorry!