Study Material Suggestion

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  • #1870000

    I failed AUD for 3 times the score were (43,55, 63). Since I spent so much time on AUD, it eventually causes my FAR expired. For now, I need to pass both AUD and FAR. I only used Becker and I think I need to have more supplemental study material to improve my AUD score. From the latest score letter, I was weaker in MCQs at all area and my SIM was fine. I was wondering any of you have good suggestions ?

    Thank you!

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  • #1870096

    I failed AUD twice (68 and 70) using Wiley Excel CPA. Then, I bought Gleim testbank for AUD (around $250 I think) and practiced only MCQ and checked the answers for SIMs (I did not practice SIM though). Took AUD the third time and passed with the score of 80 and finally done with this exam. From my experience, the MC questions of Gleim are worded like the actual exam so it may help you too. Good luck to you!


    Not all study materials work for all sections & for everyone the same.

    I think Gleim is good. I liked Roger alot & Becker study materials r great, but I am not a fan of the MCQ.
    I think NINJA books r not great. But I LOVE the audio (on constant loop), the Notes (I re-write them 1x a week), MCQ & Sims.


    Also, how much time u spending on re-take?
    After my fails, I spent 2 months doing MCQ & Sims. Obviously it was too much b/c I made 80's. But I studied like it was a new test. Got out of the “I only need 1 point” mentality.


    Thank you all. @Julia I spent almost one and half month to retake exams. I treated it like a new material. I passed the other three so fast, but AUD is the most difficult for me (I think).


    I used Gleim test bank for FAR, it helped me a lot. I believe their test bank for other parts are good too. Roger mcq is good for Audit too.


    @ds34168 Thank you!

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