Scared to look at the score..

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  • #203041

    I studied for this AUD exam for 4 months FULL time, when combining all three attempts…At least 6 hours a day.. usually more..

    My score did go up from 60 to 70 on my second attempt.. but this time the exam felt very vague and difficult overall..

    I wasn’t sure if the answers were correct. Difficult to nail down to two choices…I really need to pass this as it’s been a year since I started full time studying.. I need to start look for a job in few months and I really want to say that I passed at least three parts done..

    Can anyone help me how you got over the let-down feeling when u found out that u failed more than 3 times?

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  • #782930

    Not to be rude, but why don't you look at your score before we give you advice? Maybe you passed this time!!

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    My hands just don't move… after I passed my REG exam last November, I wasn't able to pass new exams.. (I took FAR and AUD two time.. so had 3 failures in a row…)

    I just lost my confidence after studying all year and became a coward…


    Yes I told myself it was an academic test, its a lot of work that you don't want to do again but its hardly the end of the world.

    Frame it in some realistic perspective. If you failed worrying won't change it you have to take a deep breath and move forward.

    Licensed Massachusetts Non Reporting CPA since 2012
    Finance/Admin/HR Manager


    There is no way I could ever not look at my score.

    You are crazy.

    BEC - 77 (5/16)
    AUD - TBD (8/16)
    REG - 80 (1/16)
    FAR - 76 (8/15)


    Just look at the score already! Don't leave us hanging here in anticipation!……………

    REG - 75!!!
    FAR - 66; 73 (FML!!!)
    AUD - 09/16
    BEC - TBD


    It is just a test. People have cancer. People die. You can take it again if you fail. If you pass, then great. Take a deep breath and look. We are here for you. 😉

    B | 62, 78
    A | 73, 67, 79
    R | 82
    F | 59, 59, Waiting

    Ethics | 93

    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
    ~Winston Churchill

    “In a world full of critics, be an encourager."


    Ok… failed again this time..

    With even lower score :(…

    Got 70 last time, 68 this time.. not sure what I studied in the past months..


    Print out a calendar, make a study plan, choose a date, and keep studying. You have learned many things, and you will learn more. Sometime you are going to take this test and what you know will appear on the exam and you will pass. The scoring is a huge mystery and sometimes a pass or fail is luck of the draw on sims. I took AUD 3 times. 73, 67, 79. It will happen- you just have to keep moving forward and not get discouraged. 4 months is very drawn out. Did you do a 2 week heavy review before the exam? I think hitting it hard the 2 weeks before helps me more than anything. I like Ninja, but Becker has progress tests. I do the questions and take notes on what I miss. I also make flash cards for important things. For AUD, I did probably 4000 MCQs. I kept doing them over and over and rescheduling until I passed. Don’t let it get you down because beating yourself up is just wasted energy. Good luck!!

    B | 62, 78
    A | 73, 67, 79
    R | 82
    F | 59, 59, Waiting

    Ethics | 93

    "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts."
    ~Winston Churchill

    “In a world full of critics, be an encourager."


    Never stop believing in yourself. All of your scores are so close to passing. Keep pushing, if you learn at least one new thing everyday you are accomplishing something and getting better. You are more than capable of doing this, you're so close.

    FAR - 80
    AUD - 82
    BEC - 80
    REG - 85

    ETHICS - 90
    Application for California license mailed 8/4/2016


    Hey, ThisIsTheYear, I got a 68 too! You're not alone! LOL


    You are so close! Don't give up – look at my scores. We are all in this together!

    FAR: 63, 55, 62
    REG: 65, 77*
    AUD: Fail, 64, 71
    BEC: 72, 74, 81



    ThisIsTheYear my recommendation for your retake plan is for you to think of Audit as a process. You need to study the chapters in this order A3,A4,A5,A1, A2,A6. I think this is the best representation of the process end to end. The next thing you should do is to make a presentation of the material. You need to be able to explain the entire process to a co-worker or spouse anyone that can listen critically and ask you questions. My personal opinion is true understanding is gained when you have to disseminate information to others. This will force you to do that.

    Your scores are similar to mine. I am 100% convinced of this method to study for Audit. My scores were 62,73,76. Understanding where I was in the process made all the difference


    I failed audit before and just passed by adding NINJA MCQ. I spent 3 weeks reviewing by ONLY re-watching the lectures, and hammering NINJA MCQ. This worked for me.



    This is the strategy I used after failing to pass my first two exams, and I was able to pass 4 consecutive tests.

    My strategy was to:

    1) Read one chapter, do the MCQs and SIMs in the book right after (I did not pause every few pages and go to the MCQs like the book recommends, I read the entire chapter first then did that), then do the corresponding Wiley Test Bank questions, and then move on to the next chapter.

    2) After that, I would go thru the book a second time, with a better feel for what was more important. I would mark chapters up with what I felt was necessary to know (usuallly 80%-90% of the chapter) and then I'd write notes on the key points. So, I'd re-read the chapter, mark it up, take notes, and finally do all the MCQs and SIMs in the book again, chapter by chapter.

    3)After that, I'd study my notes for a day or two and then do all of the Wiley Test Bank again in 3 days. I forgot to mention that I'd flag the question in the Test Bank that I felt were more important which amounted to probably around 90% of the MCQs and SIMs in each section.

    4) Then I'd study my notes again the night before and morning of the test for a few hours.

    I also performed as well or better on the actual exam than I did on the Wiley Test Bank (as indicated on my signature), which had longer and more detailed questions.

    FAR: 74 (8/26/15), 82 (2/23/16) - WTB: 62%, 71%, Study: 150hrs
    REG: 65 (10/9/15), 87 (6/10/16) - WTB: 68%, 87%, Study: 175hrs
    BEC: 79 (11/4/15) - WTB: 74%, Study: 80hrs
    AUD: 91 (4/15/16) - WTB: 80%, Study: 125hrs

    Used only Wiley Textbooks & Test Bank


    Thank you guys for the kind and useful info..

    Its really depressing as I am really losing confidence as time goes on.. Its been a year and a month since i started this route. First few months, i was energetic, and confident. I was able to critically study for more than 10 hours a day. Now I can't even focus for 2 hour. Im just looking at same thing over and over again..

    I have been using Ninja MCQ and Roger CPA. Admittedly, I didn't do all MCQ questions from Ninja and Roger. I was more focused into reviewing lecture and book, but I did around 2000 mcq (including repeat) from both materials.. (I wanted to do more MCQ but time just flew and didn't have time to do more of them..).

    Time just goes extremely fast for me. It takes me 10-30 minutes when I hit certain difficult MCQ question or even hours if I hit a difficult concept.. I really need to learn time management, but i just dont think if I don't spend enough time on those “difficult ones”, I feel very “INCOMPLETE”, if you know what I mean.. Im currently studying for FAR, and although I've studied this for several hundreds of hours, I have difficult time grasping some MCQ questions. I can barely hit 60 mcq per day, while I study FULL TIME..

    Do you guys think I should still go through ALL mcq even if I don't get every one of them? Skip the ones I didn't understand even though theres a chance that the question might appear on the exam?

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