Re-score? Or is that a dumb idea? - Page 2

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  • #187483

    I got by AUD results…. Failed with a 68!!!

    HOWEVER, the diagnostics came back, and said i was WEAKER on the sims than average.

    This seems impossible, because I used the Authoritative Literature to answer most of the sims, and I found just about everything. I double and triple checked it too. I just don’t see how I could have done poorly in that section.

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  • #612798

    Holy @$#&! You want to rescore a 68? bwwaaaaahhahahahahahahahahhaaha…..hahahahahahahahahahahahahahah………….hahahahahahahahahahhaahahahhaahhaahhh……..hahahahaha

    AUD - 75*, 88 done 5/14! (*exp)
    BEC - 74 , 77
    REG - 65 , 76 (10 point combooo!!)
    FAR - 69 , 75

    Dr: perseverance
    Dr: intelligence
    Dr: luck
    . Cr: . advisory score


    Real mature zieba…… though you are right

    I'm telling you, I got screwed with the pretest questions. If the WHOLE test was graded, I would have passed. I probably got all the pretests right. And that's where the luck comes in.

    If you're someone who's regularly scoring in the high 80's or 90's, then there's no luck. But, if you're like most people who pass, and do so by only a few points, it's a whole lot of luck whether those pretest questions are the ones that count or not.


    While there is some luck involved in testing, don't bring down other peoples scores. You are saying “most people who pass, and do so by only a few points, it's a whole lot of luck…” The equivalent of your 68 to the positive is an 82. You really think people with an 82 are just lucky? My input, no. They studied more effectively than you did. Suck it up. You didn't do as well as you thought. Many of us have been there. Quite frankly I'm going on my 7th test, and I know that the first couple may have been passes if I had read the questions better. Try and figure out what you did wrong, fix it, and move on. Negating others scores isn't going to help you, neither is making excuses.

    Studying with Wiley Review, Wiley Test Bank, Ninja Audio.
    Retakes with Ninja MCQ only...awesome!
    Far - 1/28 72, 7/22 79
    Aud - 2/28 70, 8/14 83
    Bec - 4/10 80
    Reg - 5/30 64, 7/2 82


    Theres no value added to playing Monday morning quarterback with these exams and wondering if you got the pretest questions right (nobody knows which questions were pretest). Second, even though you used the AL and are convinced your SIMS results should have been better the AL is tricky and there are a billion shades of gray, what you THOUGHT was word for word the correct answer may not have been the true correct answer.

    Many (dare I say most) of us walk out of an exam convinced we passed only to be disappointed that we didn't make a 75. More of us would bet our lives that we failed a section but somehow pulled off a pass. Part of the problem is that the exam isn't graded on a % of questions answered correctly.

    Either way the only course is to brush yourself off and get back to it.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    I'm not making excuses, but I don't think 82 is far enough out of the hole to think there's no luck involved. Once you hit about 85, I think it's safe to say there's no luck involved. I'm not putting down anyone else's score, but someone who got an 82, could easily have, instead a 74. No question that 8-10 pts can be added or lost based on how the pretest lottery stacks up for you. However, noone's ever going to really know, since we can't see our tests. Obviously, the more well-prepared you are, the better chance you have of doing well, but the correlation is skewed because of the electronic grading procedure and random question generator. Not putting anyone down though, I wish the best for everyone. (as long as you're nice).


    What we know about scoring the CPA exam is:

    1) Each question is weighed for difficulty. Not all questions are created equal.

    2) Your performance on the exam (and on each question) is weighed against how others have done – both within your window and outside of that (hence pretests, which create baseline for difficulty/performance).

    In that sense, there really isn't a lot of “luck.” A 68 means that you were in the 68th percentile of the candidates that you were compared to. You didn't just get the bad questions. If a question is legitimately difficult, then it will be weighed as a difficult question and “graded” accordingly. Furthermore, at some point, your score is being compared to other people who got that same question.

    In essence, the luck component is already factored into your score, because we know that your performance was compared against others' performance on each question (including “unlucky” ones) and overall in your window.

    We aren't allowed to discuss specific questions, so we have no way of knowing how frequently questions are repeated during a window. But we can assume that it's reasonably commonplace, or else there would be no real problem with sharing the content of our individual exams. We can also assume that a fair amount of repetition takes place because there isn't an unlimited number of questions AND because it produces better data by which to score. The fact that you were less prepared than other candidates to answer those questions doesn't make you unlucky… it makes you less prepared.

    The only way to get evidence on your theory of luck vs my theory of grading, of course, is for you to just go ahead and keep retaking the exam without investing any more study time. If you are correct, and luck alone can swing you 8-10 points, then you will pass within a couple of attempts.

    REG - 94
    BEC - 92
    FAR - 92
    AUD - 99


    You're right, and I'm so confident, that I'd take audit again right now. Gotta wait until the next window, unfortunately.


    Answers are set in stone on FAR, REG and AUD. If you get it wrong, you get it wrong. There is no changing it. However, a 74 on BEC is a little different, but in that score range it most likely was reviewed by a human a second time. So, technically, that is your “paid review”.


    Really dumb idea!

    Mary 2496

    I don't know if this is 100% true or not, but I remember reading somewhere in an AICPA article that there has never been a re-score that has resulted in a score being changed.


    waste of money to request a rescore, imo. just use the rescore money to buy more study material or booze and drink until you forget your score

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