Need some advice

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  • #1852450

    Hello everyone,

    Like everyone else, I just got my AUD score back. It was a 71, which is down from a 72 I scored back in February. I’m currently using Wiley. My question is this, how do I study for the AUD section and how do I manage my time for it?

    I work 60 hours a week in tax season and 45 hours a week the rest of the year as a staff accountant. By the time I get home, I’m a little exhausted from all the brainpower I’ve used at work. I mostly just study MCQ’s and usually get 80-100% on each assessment/quiz. I feel confident enough when I’m studying, but the sims aren’t very challenging with Wiley, and they give me a false sense of hope for the test.

    For me, auditing has always been the easiest subject in accounting, yet I can’t even pass it on the CPA exam. If I can’t pass the easy, then I just don’t know how to pass the harder ones.

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  • #1852522

    Hi CPA-DC,

    For me, none of the exams is easy (they are equally nightmare to me) and especially Auditing which I thought was easy at first. I failed AUD 2 times while using Wiley which helped me passed the other sections in 1st try. Anyway, as you said I felt AUD section of Wiley is not as near as the actual exam in difficulty level and that's why I bought the Gleim testbank for AUD as I heard their questions are kinda close to those on the exam. Really, by practicing Gleim testbank I increased my score from 70 to 80 and passed the exam for taking it the third time.

    If money is not an issue, I think Gleim testbank is worth to add into your study material. Also, if you can ask to do your job part-time, I suggest you do it because you can put more time into the study (that's what I did too). Keep forcing yourself until you pass. Best of luck on your CPA journey! 🙂


    I used Wiley as my only study tool the first time I took AUD and hated it. The lectures were so boring and I felt like I wasn’t learning anything. The second time I took AUD I used Ninja MCQ and notes, and Roger’s cram. I’ve said it on this forum before, but Roger was incredible for AUD, something just clicked for me watching his lectures.

    I also started taking an hour or more of PTO every day outside of tax season to study in my office before my work day started. I could never focus for long periods of time after a work day, so I tried to get my most productive study time in before I used all my brain power at work. Obviously that’s not feasible for many people, but just figure out when you’re most motivated to study and absorb the material the best and try to work your schedule around that! You’ll get there 🙂


    I just scraped by on AUD with a 75, I only had 2 weeks to study for it, since I took FAR on May 21 and then AUD on June 9th.

    This is the first time I used Roger for Audit, after failing twice before on Audit with terrible scores using the Wiley book last year. I watched all of the Roger videos over a span of 15 days, did about 100 multiple choice questions and I made SURE to memorize the page with the chart in the Roger textbook devoted to Reports (disclaimer, qualified…) as well as the chart for Subsequent Events and Contingencies, also the “ERAS” acronym, the “RACE” acronym and “UPERCV” acronym, and I scraped by with a 75. I probably spent about 60 hours during those 15 days.



    How did you jump from a 25 to a 53 on FAR ? I just got a 40 and I feel miserable. Is that a typo 52 *
    What did you do for such an increase can really use some advice.


    Hi guys,

    Thank you so much for the advice and encouragement! I think I will reschedule to take the test in less than 2 weeks. I've already studied for over 60% of BEC, so I don't want to lose any progress. I also don't want to spend another 2 months studying for AUD. If I fail it again, I will re-visit it after REG and BEC. I will be looking at other study materials if so.

    In this case I'm risking $200 but I feel like I'm so close.

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