My brief exam experience

  • This topic has 2 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #176442

    Well, I sat for AUD yesterday. There was a guy trying his best to cough up a lung behind me and another guy was banging his foot against his chair next to me but luckily they both finished their tests about 30 minutes in. The multiple choice weren’t too difficult but there were still some I didn’t remember ever covering. I just tried to reason them out as best I could. I went into the sims with 2:30 left and they pretty much kicked my ass. One was almost exactly the same as I’d gotten my previous two attempts but it still gave me a hard time. This go around I unfortunately only had one research question and it was fairly easy (as they tend to be). But the rest were just confusing. I tried to use the literature as best I could to solve it but I’m not optimistic. If I do pass this time it will be just by the skin of my teeth.

    That being said, some general comments. I devoted a lot of time to studying _______________ and got one MC choice that asked a basic question. Same with _______________. After all of that I got a few basic questions about the first one and absolutely nothing on the last two. I know you never know what they’re going to ask but it just pisses me off. I can’t help but see all that time as being wasted.

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  • #401942

    I also got torched by the AUD SIMs. No point in dwelling on the past. Take off a day or two and then get back on the saddle!

    Don't forget these things for your next exam:


    Yup, I took a 3-day weekend and now I'm going to start FAR. If it turns out I need to take AUD again then I'll just suspend FAR and spend the rest of March reviewing AUD and take it in early April again. Really hope that it doesn't come to that though.

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