It probably is possible, a lot of the beginning is a combination of common sense and a stuff earlier that you've learned.
Definitely take a look at the Rules set up by the AICPA especially rule 101….becker says that its a big one, and also the 6 articles the names will do. ( responsibility, public interest, integrity, objectivity & independence, due care, scope and nature of services).
Some key things that come to mind
Partner rotations for PCAOB (lead and concurring partner 5 years on and 5 years cooling off
7 years for others)
Audit documentation record keeping ( PCAOB 7 years SAS nonissuer – 5 ) and completion dates PCAOB- 45 days SAS nonissuer – 60 days
permanent and current files
auditing through the computer- tagging, embedded audit procedures, integrated test facility, parallel simulations
Definitely take a look at the Government auditing section because there is a lot going on, govt needs more info than a regular audit.
theres a lot more that i didnt cover so dont use just what as i said as the only things to study.