Just got home from AUD Exam - Page 4

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    So my day was interesting and full of anxiety….. I finally get the to the Prometric Center at 12:15 and they don’t let me in and begin my exam until 12:50 and for someone who has anxiety that just means more time for me to worry about the exm since they won’t let me review notes once I’m in there! As far as the exam experience, well my computer froze twice and each time the proctor restarted my exam and she did it without telling me and I jumped out of my seat and asked her what she was doing and if she had just lost all my progress since I was at the simulations already, I’d be pissed and you can fill in the blanks…… Long story short they moved my to another computer and I completed my exam.

    As far as the exam itself, I thought the first testlet was easy, second test let harder and the third testlet even harder so that is a good sign???? Who knows its all subjective. Now those f***ing SIMS are what will have killed me if I failed, hoping I didn’t. I had two research SIMS in which one I found word for word and the other I wasn’t so sure which sucks because idk which one is counted because one has to be a trial question right????

    Anyways thanks for listening to me vent because no one understands what I’m going through other than you guys and good luck to all of you and your future exams. Time to move onto REG on Monday so tonight and this weekend will be nice and relaxing, I may not even know what to do since I’ll actually have free time!!

    AUD: (65)(66) 77
    REG: (66) (48) destroyed me mentally.....
    FAR: (68) (66)(69)(71)
    BEC: (63) 75

    "Greatness is not some precious thing, it is no more unique to us than breathing. We are ALL capable of it."

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  • #522673

    @ ArdiCPA: know EVERYTHING! haha j/k well kind of…. my one suggestion is read every question and each answer choice very slowly. When I went back and reviewed my testlet I noticed two questions where I wasn't answering the question correctly and those two MCQ could mean pass or fail. As far as the SIMS, you can't really prepare for them if you ask me. Both times I've taken AUD the SIMS were ridiculous and soem came out of left field and even if I was given prior notice to them I wouldn't know how to study them! Just go in confident and analyze every sentence and every word of every question, you've done the studying now apply it and always go with your gut!

    AUD: (65)(66) 77
    REG: (66) (48) destroyed me mentally.....
    FAR: (68) (66)(69)(71)
    BEC: (63) 75

    "Greatness is not some precious thing, it is no more unique to us than breathing. We are ALL capable of it."


    Hey @ArdiCPA like the guy just said just before me, read very carefully. Sometimes there are two answers and they both sound right, but there's a small part of one of them which obviously disqualifies it as an answer choice. As auditors, we pretty much never guarantee anything is 100% right. We always leave room for the errors beyond our control, so when you see something like “provides assurance that all significant deficiencies are identified,” you know that can't possibly be right, as we have no idea if we have identified ALL deficiencies which exist.

    So yeah, read carefully, especially with the research sims. I used nothing but Becker. There was one question which I'm 100% sure was not in the Becker lectures but other than that I felt like I had seen all the different questions before. Some more last minute things to remember:

    What type of engagements provide what levels of assurance (positive, limited, negative) and what is the report wording for such assurance.

    Know what services are/are not allowed to be performed by an independent auditor.

    Know what types of financial interests would compromise independence.

    And remember, you've prepared and you know this stuff. Read carefully, think it through, and take it to the house!


    Hey @ArdiCPA like the guy just said just before me, read very carefully. Sometimes there are two answers and they both sound right, but there's a small part of one of them which obviously disqualifies it as an answer choice. As auditors, we pretty much never guarantee anything is 100% right. We always leave room for the errors beyond our control, so when you see something like “provides assurance that all significant deficiencies are identified,” you know that can't possibly be right, as we have no idea if we have identified ALL deficiencies which exist.

    So yeah, read carefully, especially with the research sims. I used nothing but Becker. There was one question which I'm 100% sure was not in the Becker lectures but other than that I felt like I had seen all the different questions before. Some more last minute things to remember:

    What type of engagements provide what levels of assurance (positive, limited, negative) and what is the report wording for such assurance.

    Know what services are/are not allowed to be performed by an independent auditor.

    Know what types of financial interests would compromise independence.

    And remember, you've prepared and you know this stuff. Read carefully, think it through, and take it to the house!


    I just took FAR and found all MCs are very similar to AICPA released questions. Wondering if auditing MCs are similar to those released questions as well? :).

    FAR... Passed
    Audit... Passed on the second try
    Reg.... Passed
    BEC... Passed


    I just took FAR and found all MCs are very similar to AICPA released questions. Wondering if auditing MCs are similar to those released questions as well? :).

    FAR... Passed
    Audit... Passed on the second try
    Reg.... Passed
    BEC... Passed

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