I felt confidence with AUD test…but end up with a 52???what happened??

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  • #175170

    I took AUD by Nov and I felt very confidence with those questions. Many questions are straight forward and like Becker 2012 MC materials and I also use Ninja notes to help me for study.

    But today i got my score and only a worse score of 52.

    What’s wrong with me??? I feel upset and down now.

    2nd time failing AUD and also failed BEC and now re-studying it.

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  • #388401

    Sorry about your score. It's a tough test. A disappointing score does not mean there is something wrong with you.

    There could be so many reasons the score dropped. You may need to do some reflection and analyze what could have gone wrong. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but you might be an international candidate or ESL? If so, I would think that would bring challenges as well. You just have to find out what kind of study materials and habits will be beneficial to you.

    Maybe take a full length practice exam now, to highlight any weaknesses. And make sure you are scoring well on the full length practice exams before going in to take the real thing. Maybe you need to switch up the questions you get? Possibly look into the Wiley test bank.

    Don't be too hard on yourself. Just figure out the changes you can make, and get back at it. You can do this.

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*


    Where can i get the full length practice exam???

    Yea I prob need to get wiley test bank also.

    Right now im studying for BEC and taking it 2nd time by Jan 2013.

    I have already paid Becker + ninja note. I don't want those money wasted.


    Becker should have full length exams in their materials to use as a practice exam. I don't remember what they are called. Maybe “final exam”. I think there are 3 of them.

    Other free practice questions:

    sign up at and go through the question available there

    And AICPA released questions:


    Created with Compare Ninja

    A:[73]97 F:[74]85 R:86 B:[74]82
    *NINJA 10 Pt. COMBO & Yaeger*



    Sorry for your score. The best way would be to think about it and identify the sections you know least…

    There are indeed 2 full final exams in Becker. It is a good exercise. My advice would also be to do a lot of MCQ questions from Becker. In the same time, you may want to take notes about your mistakes… It will help you to read through them from time to time!

    Good luck for BEC!!!

    FAR (21 Nov 2012): 92
    REG (26 Nov 2012): 88
    AUD (28 Nov 2012): 99
    BEC (30 Nov 2012): 86


    In August I took AUD and felt very confident about passing. I took a practice exam and scored an 85 and I felt the real exam questions were relatively easy. I received my score and it was a 70. I was crushed. I picked up the pieces and kept studying. Two weeks ago I took another practice exam and scored an 80. I consistently scored in the 90s on quizzes my final week of review. I just took the real exam this past Saturday, and once again, I feel like I did very well. So now I'm obviously very nervous.

    I calculated that I've done over 2500 MCQ all together in the 3-mo I've spent studying for this exam TWICE! I have been using Roger CPA Review and Wiley Test Bank. If I fail this time, I'll have to get a different review because I have the book and all the MCQ memorized by now. I just don't see how I could fail again.

    Sorry for your disappointment but just get back on that horse. Some ppl (myself included) have a real hard time with AUD because it seems there are always more than one correct answer, but one answer is MORE correct than the others. So it's not that you are wrong so much as there is a better choice. Makes it very frustrating.

    REG - 74


    Feeling confident after an exam and getting a score in the 50's, is actually really bad. I don't mean to be an a$$, but there seems to be a disconnect between your confidence level and your actual knowledge. How do you define studying hard? Are you studying everyday? Do you really understand the material? Are you following the Becker structure, or are you taking short cuts? When you walk out of an exam, can you seriously say “I did everything in my hands to pass”?

    Class of 2012


    Don't feel bad dude.

    I would of bet my paycheck I passed AUD and I ended up with a 71 the first time. That was the only test I really felt so deceived by… Because there are no calculations, I'm convinced that test contains the most “trickery” and “play on words” to try to fool you out of all the exams.

    My only advice is A) read every question twice and very CAREFULLY so you understand what they are asking and B) research EVERY sim using the authoritative literature tab.

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