I feel beaten up and heartbroken

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  • #190359

    I’d been anxiously waiting all weekend for my score and found out last night at 2 am that I got a 74 on AUD…for the second time in a row. What are the chances of that, anyway?

    I couldn’t go back to sleep, was sick to my stomach, and I’m just dwelling on it. I feel so upset especially because I gave it my all and really thought I passed this time. I poured so much time and sacrifice and dedication into this exam the second time around and that 74 feels like a huge punch in the gut.

    I know I’m early in my CPA journey and only have FAR passed but I almost want to give up. Anyone else get multiple 74s in a row? I could really use some support from this lovely group. Thanks!

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  • #619997

    Get back in the saddle.

    This exam is a test of mental fortitude, not intelligence.

    Take what you learned an turn your frustration into results!


    I can totally relate! I had three 74's in a row (not to be a 1 upper) before I finally passed audit!

    I can tell you that it took a regrouping to finally get it together. For me, I realized I needed to change the way I was studying for audit. The first 3 tests, I pretty much focused on doing mcq's with a little bit of support from reading.

    I think what made the most difference for me was purchasing Jeff's ninja notes. This was the only purchase I made through my whole CPA journey. Everything else I found thrifty resources, but for me, I really struggled with audit for some reason. The suggestion of writing out all of the ninja notes sounded like a crazy notion for me but after failing audit 3 times I was ready to try anything. I rewrote out Jeff's notes 3 different times until the information was saturated in my brain. I can tell you that it made the difference. I'm not trying to give a sales pitch but seeing as that was the only thing I changed in my studying, that has to be what gained me 14 points.

    Give yourself a day or two to relax. Then I would focus on making a gameplan. Look at how you have been studying, and totally revamp your system. If you do that, you”ll nail audit for sure on your next try!

    FAR: 81
    REG: 77
    AUD: 74,74,74 88 finally!
    BEC: 77


    I've gotten a 74 on AUD before. And I've gotten much lower scores too. These exams aren't easy…and luck does play a big part too. For next time, i'd recommend not to check ur score at 2 am. Trust me I would have felt the same way with the upset stomach and insomnia, which is why I simply would leave till the next day.

    Keep at it…u can do it. Don't give up..passing FAR is a huge accomplishment!!

    AUD: 84
    FAR: 75
    BEC: 78
    REG: 75


    REG: Used Becker 2014 book, NINJA MCQ, Ninja notes, ninja audio
    CFE since Oct. 2013.


    The fact that you've passed FAR should be motivation to finish. You've done the heavy lifting already.


    73 on AUD, was to be my final test before starting in public accounting! Take a few days off from studying, shake it off and get back on the horse.

    Ninja + Wiley Test Bank: [FAR - 81] [REG - 76] [BEC - 88] [AUD - 73](doh!)

    Becker Videos: [AUD - 82]

    California CPA


    Thanks guys, that's exactly what I needed. It feels like a huge accomplishment to pass FAR but a teensy tiny part of me thinks that maybe it was purely luck since I clearly can't pass AUD. But that's probably just the pessimist in me, haha.

    And for the record next time I'm definitely not checking my score in the middle of the night, definitely a mistake.


    I've been there and this last release was good to me, but I live by Winston Churchill's quote, “Success is stumbling from one failure to the next without losing enthusiasm.” Keep the head up focus and it will be done. Then you can be part of the alumni who get to laugh at the test instead of sob. It will come!

    A- 53, 55
    B- Passed!
    F- Not Yet Taken
    R- 1/17/2015


    Yes there have been a few here that have gotten back to back 74's, and I know of at least one person that got multiple 74's on their final section to be passed.

    Heres my unsolicited advice to you. Sounds like one small adjustment will easily put you over a 75. I went from a 71 in AUD to an 84 by purchasing the ninja notes and rewriting them word for word, 10 pages per day. Something as simple as rewriting your own notes could easily be the difference you need.

    FAR- 77
    AUD -49, 71, 84
    REG -56,75!
    BEC -75

    Massachusetts CPA (non reporting) since 3/12.


    The heat is on and the clock is ticking. Get back in there and pass these so you don't have to re-take FAR. I went through a similar experience with BEC getting a 74 then a 72. I passed REG on a retake in August so I'm in high gear now. Just took BEC for the third time on Saturday and currently scheduling AUD in January.


    Yep. I got back to back 74's in FAR.

    If I had gotten a 75 on my first attempt at FAR, I would have been licensed. But that 74 also caused me to lose REG. So I was only 50% complete as opposed to 100% … all because of one f*&()#*& point. I was upset. Pissed. Annoyed. It's only human to feel those emotions. I let the emotions vent for a few weeks … then got back to the study grind. I looked at it this way: I'm still 50% there. It could be worse. Took FAR for the second time, and got the second 74. After the initial 30 second “BS … I feel nauseous” feeling, I actually laughed. I then switched gears to my REG retake, restudied and passed in a 4 week span. Then went back to FAR. From scratch, for 6 weeks. Then retook it and got an 80. I'm now licensed. The back to back 74's taught me something about my character. You are close. You will get it. It's just a matter of time and patience.

    Best of luck.

    Licensed Florida CPA:
    B: 71, 73, 79
    A: 83
    R: 78 (expired), 77
    F: 74, 74, 80

    It's finally freaking over.


    Keep your head up and get mad! Yes, they happen and suck balls. Just coming off my 2nd FAR fail, and I am P.O.'d.

    CPA EXAM: DONE!!!!
    Ethics Course: Passed
    Application Mailed: 3/16/15
    Professional Conduct Exam: 97
    Certification Date: 4/2/15!!!


    Wow impressive Gatorbates!

    AUD: 84
    FAR: 75
    BEC: 78
    REG: 75


    REG: Used Becker 2014 book, NINJA MCQ, Ninja notes, ninja audio
    CFE since Oct. 2013.


    Just curious, but what prep material are you currently using? For some reason I was more fearful of AUD than when I took FAR so I ended up over studying. For AUD I actually made a ton of flash cards (150 at least) and used ninja MCQ in addition to Becker, both of which I didn't do for FAR. I also memorized a few of the audit reports word for word and did every MCQ in both Becker and ninja about 5-6 times and maybe 2-3 times for the SIMs and cycled through the notecards to a point where my stack of missed notecards was only about 30 cards. If you did more than me than yes, I would say you just got really bad luck with the exams which is not your fault. But there is always more that you can do (if you have time) so you just gotta pound it out sometimes.

    FAR - 86 7/2014
    AUD - 95 10/2014
    REG - 87 1/22/15
    BEC - 84 7/2015


    Thanks guys, your stories and words of wisdom have been super inspirational. I still feel down in the dumps but I'm gonna recover and get back in it. I have BEC on January 3 and I plan on rocking it to the best of my ability.

    And that is impressive, Gatorbates. Getting two 74s on FAR is definitely a huge hurdle to overcome but it's inspirational that it's certainly do-able.


    Mr CPA, my first time around I used Becker and made my own flashcards same as you. Second time around I added NINJA Notes (I used them for FAR and loved them) but didn't find them as helpful as the FAR ones. But I didn't circle through the multiple choice as many times as you did. Did you find that NINJA MCQ were a helpful addition? I've heard that they're very similar to the Becker ones so I'm hesitant to buy them.

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