First Exam, First Fail.. :(

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  • #1681565

    Got the scores today.. failed auditing with a 69.. MCQ seemed like a breeze but the sims were brutal. Any advice other than just beat my head against the sims in the review software

    Sad day :/

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  • #1681574

    keep your head up. what are you using to study? did you get a breakdown on your performance across the subjects and between sims and mc?


    I use WileyCPA and no, I'm not sure where I'd find the breakdown? Also.. when rescheduling the exams, the scheduling lasts for 6 months. Is it better to just schedule 2 or 3 in that period? Maybe it would force me to study more.


    hmm my state board provides a report of the breakdown of my score. Not sure if your state does, maybe they'll email it to you in the next day or two, I've heard folks on these forums refer to some follow-up email or something.

    Not too familiar with wiley, what is your learning style? Repetition and trial and error? Visual learner who likes lectures? Reading?

    The best thing I did for myself was figure out how best I learned and found the review course that fit that style, maybe you already have that covered with wiley.

    Supplementing with a good test bank, maybe spring for the ninja package and drill drill drill


    I would guess just trial and error for my learning style, which would equate to bashing my head against the MCQ and sims, haha.. I'm in Illinois, we probably are too cheap and corrupt to offer breakdowns 😀


    ive heard a lot of happy campers around here using the ninja packages for MCQ and SIM drilling, might be a good fight for a trial and error learning style.


    What would the difference be from Wiley? Just in my mind, MCQ are MCQ, right? I'm curious what would be different..


    I used Wiley exclusively and failed AUD with a 70 🙁 I didn't find the sims to be brutal, but it looks like my confidence was misguided.

    I passed FAR and BEC with Wiley only, but for the retake I am going to study using NINJA MCQ.

    A good tip I plan on using for the retake is to practice searching the AL for specific audit topics. If I was better at search i think i would have had enough time to confirm most of my sim answers.

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