Feeling Worst Again!:(

  • Creator
  • #180100

    Hi Guys

    Just took Aud today, and it was close to a nightmare. My 1st testlet was medium difficult and 2nd testlet was extremely confusing and 3rd was medium difficult again. Sims were, I think they mistakenly added one FAR question in there, then there was 1 other question which was so full of words :(:(

    Just curious, how bad can you do in Sims, to still get a pass? 🙁

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  • Author
  • #435160

    I took Audit yesterday too, so I can relate to your difficult testlets and sims.

    My cousin scored “weaker” for SIMS and “stronger” with MCQs and passed Audit with a 75. I scored the same, but instead of Audit it was for REG.

    So who knows, we gotta wait 2 weeks to find out our score?

    REG = 58 (02-20-13), 75 (05-01-13)
    AUD = 67 (05-29-13), 79 (08-29-13)
    BEC = 83 (07-31-13)
    FAR = 72 (10-29-13), 69 (02-27-14), 73 (04-16-14), 81(08-13-14)

    Study Materials = Becker 2013 + Wiley Online Test Bank
    (75%) On my Way to a CPA (minus the experience requirement)!


    Did same with REG today which was exam 8 for me. It sucks but you gotta hang in there. I still haven't passed anything which is tough because I have been a great test taker all my life…


    I just hope for some miracle from the Almighty and somehow get a pass!

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