Failed Audit, and Scheduled BEC Should I Change??

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  • #177494

    I found out that I failed Audit with a 61 :(… However my spirits are not down I just need some advice. I have BEC scheduled for July 29 but do you think I should reschedule it and retake Audit or should I go ahead and take BEC and then take Audit after BEC??? Please advise

    I hate every minuite or training, but I said DON'T QUIT. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a CHAMPION!
    Muhammed Ali

    AUD 4/7/13
    BEC 5/31/13
    FAR 8/31/13
    REG 11/02/13

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  • Author
  • #412272

    My advice would be to do auditing as soon as you can since the material you studied is still fresh in your mind.

    AUD: Passed
    BEC: Passed
    REG: Studying


    If you reatke audit again, just remember that the exam is changing quite drastically from July 1st with new material so be sure to study the new stuff. From what I hear, only the professional responsiblity section is unchanged; everything else is being modified.

    FAR - 95
    REG - 93
    AUD - 91
    BEC - 85

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