Exam Experience 3/10 - Page 2

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  • #1510921

    Got done taking AUD. Woof that was not the topic distribution percentage that I was expecting! In the slightest. Though both the second and third testlet were extremely difficult and seemingly written in another language. Or my brain was like “haha, nah man I’m out”.

    Then the SIMs – LOL. I wanted to write a letter to the AICPA informing them that I had already taken FAR and passed. Two were sort of easy, the rest were, uh, full of educated guesses.


    Question – does anyone know/think about the pretest question distribution among the testlets? I always think there would be more in the second and third, but I don’t have sufficient or appropriate evidence to support the basis of that opinion. (ha ha – kill me)

    I think the rest of my day will consist of alternating between laughing at imgur pics and sobbing dramatically while eating and drinking in excess. I think test taking burns extra calories.

    What about everyone else – Good experiences today? Any post testing taking rituals that you are looking forward to? Any ideas on how to not let the thought of score release absolutely consume your soul and everything else around you? All ears.

    FAR - 76 - [4]
    BEC - 71, 73, September 9 2016
    AUD - July 28 2016
    REG - October 2016

    Black coffee, stress, and cottage cheese pancakes!

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  • #1511578

    So I took Audit yesterday. This was my last exam and I really wanted to pass all of them before the changes. That has been my goal since day one.. However, I feel that goal may not be achieved 🙁

    I felt ok on multiple choice. I even had time to go back through and review all of them to double check my answers. I finished them in about 2 hours and left 2 hours for SIMS which is what I wanted cause I am pretty weak on SIMS. I felt like I bombed them all. There were NO audit reports on my test which I studied until I knew them so I was very disappointed. The ones I got were all of my weak areas and there were like 4 of the same kind! So now I do not feel like I passed and feel very sad. Is there hope?



    Hi! It seems that i had the same aud experience that most of you had. I took aud for the first time yesterday and yes the prometric center was packed!! I thought the mcqs were okay, i finished with 2h and 15 minutes left to do the sims. I feel like bc there are no calc questions in aud that its really easy for people to leave a lot of time to do the sims. i either knew the answer or i didnt. If i didnt, i made an educated guess and moved on. I only went back to look at the questions i flagged. I probably flagged about 6-9 questions per testlet. Im really bad at guaging if the testlets got harder or not. At first glance, the sims seemed ok bc i didnt have any sims on any if my weak areas. But as i continues to worked on the sims, my mind changed. They were super freaking hard. There were two sims where i knew the topic but didnt know what they wantd me to do. SO i was so lost on those two and made educated guesses. I also had a drs. It wasnt too bad actually. I think i got the research question right and i used the AL to answer one of my sims so im hoping i got that one right too. I dont know though.. Those sims were so tough.

    Also, i took the exam yesterday. Does anyone know when theyll update my status to “ATTENDED” bc as of now it still says “payment received, schedule with prometric”

    What do all yours say?


    @Starved_Wolf – mine still says NTSissued. It's nothing I've ever really paid attention to tbh, but I'm sure it will update early next week since yesterday was a Friday.

    Now that it's the next morning and the adrenaline rush/relief has ended I am allllllll anxiety! The fact that I don't have to worry about studying this weekend for any exam is so nice. It will make it that much more awful if I see a failing score on the 21st 🙁 I just want to pass and be done! I feel like I haven't really been living the past two years because I have been thinking about the exam. I want to start my life!

    I was able to double/triple check all my MCQ's as well. I regret doing that and wished I would have just moved on with 2.5 hours for the SIMs cause I think it kind of burnt me out with re-reading the questions so many times. Feeling really bad that I messed up a couple ratios I absolutely knew by heart on the SIM's, and now I am thinking that I might have barely gotten half of each SIM right. ugh.

    I am glad we all have each other to commiserate in our general anxiety and dread!

    FAR - 76 - [4]
    BEC - 71, 73, September 9 2016
    AUD - July 28 2016
    REG - October 2016

    Black coffee, stress, and cottage cheese pancakes!


    It takes days to update. Mine hasn't changed.

    BEC: 80
    REG: 75
    FAR: __, ?/2016


    I took Aud yesterday also. I finished the MCQ's in two hours and am worried because I do not feel that the questions became more difficult as I progressed. I was glad I had 2 hours for the sims, I felt they were more FAR related than AUD. I have no idea how I did.


    Mine says attendance now.

    BEC: 80
    REG: 75
    FAR: __, ?/2016


    I'm in CA and the CBA website still hasn't updated to say that I attended my exam on 3/9. Anyone else like this still?


    Mine updated yesterday, im in CA as well.


    When did you guys take your exam?

    My profile normally updates 1-2 days after I take the exam but it still says “Schedule w/Prometric”

    I didn't have any issues when I took the exam. Do you think its just lag time or should I be worried?


    Mine too. I am in CA and took REG on 03/09 but still “NASBA payment received. Schedule w/Prometric. MC was ok but SIM was so hard..

    AUD 91
    FAR 89
    BEC 76
    REG 03/09/17

    FAR 89 01/13/16
    BEC 73 02/25/16 (Bubble) Retake in April



    OK, my status is updated as of this morning. It says I attended on 3/9, which I did. I'm just hoping they actually received my exam on that date so I don't have to wait until the 24th to get my score


    Aw man, arent the scores supposed to release on the 21st? I took mine on the 10th. I dont wanna wait till the 24th. Im already anxious enough as it is 🙁


    Mine is updated as well. Dear lord if I had to wait until the 24th. 6 days and the struggle is real!

    FAR - 76 - [4]
    BEC - 71, 73, September 9 2016
    AUD - July 28 2016
    REG - October 2016

    Black coffee, stress, and cottage cheese pancakes!


    I think we will all get our scores on the 21st. There is just a delay updating our status on the CBA website. I've always taken my exams at the very end of the testing window and received my score on time


    Oh mine is updated too 🙂

    FAR 89 01/13/16
    BEC 73 02/25/16 (Bubble) Retake in April


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