Exam Experience 3/10

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  • #1510921

    Got done taking AUD. Woof that was not the topic distribution percentage that I was expecting! In the slightest. Though both the second and third testlet were extremely difficult and seemingly written in another language. Or my brain was like “haha, nah man I’m out”.

    Then the SIMs – LOL. I wanted to write a letter to the AICPA informing them that I had already taken FAR and passed. Two were sort of easy, the rest were, uh, full of educated guesses.


    Question – does anyone know/think about the pretest question distribution among the testlets? I always think there would be more in the second and third, but I don’t have sufficient or appropriate evidence to support the basis of that opinion. (ha ha – kill me)

    I think the rest of my day will consist of alternating between laughing at imgur pics and sobbing dramatically while eating and drinking in excess. I think test taking burns extra calories.

    What about everyone else – Good experiences today? Any post testing taking rituals that you are looking forward to? Any ideas on how to not let the thought of score release absolutely consume your soul and everything else around you? All ears.

    FAR - 76 - [4]
    BEC - 71, 73, September 9 2016
    AUD - July 28 2016
    REG - October 2016

    Black coffee, stress, and cottage cheese pancakes!

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  • #1510950

    Well it sounds like you might be ok since the last 2 testlets seemed difficult! I feel like I guessed a lot on my audit sims and I ended up passing.

    Catch up with old friends, learn to play the ukulele, read the Harry Potter series, go on Pinterest for a complicated crafty DIY project and laugh when it turns into an epic fail. The possibilities are endless.


    I took AUD yesterday. MC was OK, think I got a lot right and missed some.

    Sims went like this:

    1) Pretty good (12/16)
    2) OK (4/8)
    3) 100% (Straight out of AL)
    4) Pretty good (14/20)
    5) Not Good (DRS) (2/6)
    6) OK (4/8)
    7) 100% (research)

    Hope this translates into a 75 or higher


    I took my BEC retake today which was essentially a suicide mission since I just took FAR 10 days ago. My post test ritual includes drinking and more drinking.


    I took AUD today. I felt ok about most of the material tested. 2nd and third testlet she were harder I'd say. The sims were okay I guess. Not that I think I got them completely right, but they were comparable. As far as post test rituals…I'm currently sitting in a bar having a frothy beverage and enjoying the fact that I won't be studying a thing until April.


    Apparently I'm a bit superstitious. I would not have known this before the CPA exam. I wore the exact, and I mean exact, outfit I wore for AUD. After the exam I drove to the same liquor store, bought the same beer, and came home and drank it. If circling twice in the yard, while holding a dandelion chanting “oooka tooka boo boo ooo” would give me a better shot at passing BEC, I'd do it in a heartbeat.


    @rb2017 – lol, I love everything about your post.
    “the possibilities are endless”. I just want to be a free elf, someone hand me a sock!

    Sounds like everyone did reasonably well! And reasonably enjoying themselves.

    @drh118 – I took my BEC retake with 9 days of study and surprisingly passed. Hoping you have the same experience! Not as extreme, but I took REG 3.5 weeks ago so I'm very much le tired.

    FAR - 76 - [4]
    BEC - 71, 73, September 9 2016
    AUD - July 28 2016
    REG - October 2016

    Black coffee, stress, and cottage cheese pancakes!


    Thanks @Tardis_Wobble – I don't need anything pretty, a 75 will do.


    I assume this thread is going to get merged in AUD EXAM experience Q1, but here goes:

    Took audit today and man did I study hard after doing so bad with FAR that I needed a change in topics.
    To those that said they had a lot of FAR on AUD, I didn't have any except maybe a sim that you had to understand journal entries to do, but that's a given for the CPA.

    The multiple choice questions were weird. I've never finished multiple choice so quickly and I've taken all sections now. I finished the first section in maybe 30 minutes. All of them in 2 hours. That isn't to say I marked no questions. I marked like 6 questions for each section and went back to double check them after I was done. In terms of difficulty first one was certainly easy and 2 got a lot harder. 3 seemed to be just as hard as 2, though the first like 6 questions seemed easier. It became harder to see a definite right answer for the 2nd and 3rd section. More like the best answer. I used Ninja and some older Becker material that seemed still very relevant.

    Sims are usually the death of me. My last FAR exam the sims were so in left field that I had trouble figuring out what they even wanted me to do.
    The advantage this time is I had 2 hours to do them. Awesome!
    These sims were all very understandable, though 2 of them took me a half hour each to complete. Yes an hour for two sims! Of course I did the research question first and found that in about 10 minutes. It actually could have been one or another answer, but one “key word” seemed to make it the later of the two subsections. The others sims were a combination of easy, medium, and hard overall. Lot of drop down this time, with some fill in the blank calculations. FAR had much more fill in the blank by comparison. One, what do they call them, DRS? The type were you are given what seems like 20 documents, no windows OS, and a 640×480 screen. Yeah that. Seriously my time is eaten away with the delay going back and forth and the inability to copy and paste stuff to a memo. That was one of the ones that took a half hour. Still some answers seemed easy, so part of me hopes it isn't pre test. Though other questions seemed like I don't understand what you want?

    What else to say? Hmmm. Does anyone else really get into the survey? I figured out last exam you don't have to answer a single question, just press next repeatedly and leave it blank. Seriously if you expect proper answers when I'm sitting there for four hours no breaks, sorry. I shouldn't complain though cause one guy was taking a nine hour doctors exam! 45 mins of breaks to take whenever, but holy hell I couldn't do that!

    BEC: 80
    REG: 75
    FAR: __, ?/2016


    Hey @tardis_wobble;
    I sat for FAR today, it seemed pretty fair, except for the SIMs!
    My post test ritual is waiting until after work on score release day to check my score…I don't want to be depressed at work if I don't pass on release day! It has worked last 3 releases, I passed them! (I have also
    taken them all multiple times.)


    I too went through the AUD MC in about 2 hours leaving 2 hours for the SIMS which made makes me nervous because I've never been that quick through the MC


    Thanks, you made me feel a little better.

    Do you think they intentionally made it easier to increase the pass rate?
    Not that I'm complaining.

    Also I forgot to add that a sim had all the ratios in supplemental info. I studied them and memorized them, like we were supposed to, but it was weird that they were all there.

    BEC: 80
    REG: 75
    FAR: __, ?/2016


    I took audit today and like you all I finished the mcqs somewhat quickly and had almost two hours to do the Sims. I however completely bombed the Sims where I only did decent on two and I do feel like I got the research correct. I finished with 35 min left. I think I did the best on the first testlet cause the other two were harder which I know is a good sign but still unsure if it will be enough to get that 75. Two questions in my mind. 1) what do you guys think of the theory that you're more likely to fail if you take the exam on the last day of the testing window? 2) why are the pass rates lower for Q1 and Q4?


    @pjrosenberg also sat for FAR today and the sims were demoralizing. Just when you thought you knew a lot they put things back into reality. Felt like I maybe got 60% on sims. Sure as hell hope the one I didn't know was a pretest but I am not feeling super confident for score release date. First time taking FAR but felt prepared enough to get a 75 going into it.

    C / X

    I thought I did well on AUD which worries me, because it's the only one that I so far felt good about where the others I was like, I can't tell. Last time I felt good about coming of the exam was when I hadn't studied the material enough to second guess myself on every question but this time I did questions right up until it was time to drive to the prometric center so everything felt pretty fresh in my brain. I checked some questions I was unsure about though and my second guessing made me get those few wrong though. :/

    Still I'm not going to rely on my gut feeling, if I have to restudy it I will so I'm going to wait until I get my score before I start studying for FAR since my material is not going to expire anytime soon. The only score I won't be cool with getting is a 74. That score can haunt and invade your dreams, lol. *knock on wood that I didn't jinx myself*

    I've read enough horror stories on FAR experience that I'm letting my NTS to expire since last date I can take the exam is 4/08(another 150* down the ever-ending cpa black hole/money pit)…just don't think a month is enough to get a grasp of the material I'd rather have some belief I passed, instead of waiting 12 weeks agonizing about it. I think I'm going to overstudy for FAR and with all that material… I have about 3 testing windows I can go through before my REG expires so I'm going to aim for only one more testing window for that exam, 2 max*. Ugghhhh….Let's do this!

    Good luck e'rbody!


    I think AUD was the hardest one for me. I understand why it's the lowest pass rate now.

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