Did I fail the exam?

  • This topic has 16 replies, 14 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #190467

    I finished the exam in about 3 hours, and the 3rd hour I was mostly just double-checking my answers. Also, the MCQ did not get longer, they were all 1 or 2 sentence questions throughout all 3 testlets. Though for the 2nd and 3rd testlet, there were a lot more of those which one is not incorrect, where you have to read all of the answer choices to be able to answer the question. Also, I got an identical question, word for word, on the first and third testlet, not sure what that means. As for sims, I got 2 research questions that I’m fairly confident about. I also like my chances on 3 other sims, and fairly certain that I got at least partial credit on the remaining 2.

    TLDR: MCQ questions didn’t get noticeably longer, finished too early, and got an identical MCQ on the 1st and 3rd testlet. Are these bad signs?

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  • #643553

    For what it is worth, I didn't really notice the increase in difficulty that people talk about. Nothing felt “easy” either. Not sure what to say about the repeating questions, maybe others have real life experience with that and a resulting score. It is actually nice to hear you felt confident on the SIMs. That is great!


    I'm not sure you can really predict. For me it's always a sh*t shoot. Though I did get almost the exact same question on all three testlets today for BEC. Doesn't make me feel confident.


    Same thing happened to me today with having the same question in the 1st testlet and 3rd. I thought that was weird, as well. Maybe it's a throw away question. My questions did not get noticeably longer either. Great that you feel good about the SIMs! I thought they were really tough. Only had 1 research one.

    REG 76 Expires 3/2016
    AUD 70, 68, Re-match April


    the more post i read on this forum, the more i doubt i have that i passed.

    BEC: 72,72, 77
    AUD: 47, 63


    The same thing happened to me with an identical question in two different testlets… I also finished in just under 3 hours and it was the only test that I passed the first time around.

    Wish you luck.

    Florida Candidate

    AUD: 77
    REG: 86
    FAR: TBD
    BEC: 79 (Expired)


    For AUD, once you really understand it well, it's quick and easy and the questions never seem to get harder. So, I'd say either you mastered AUD and you'll get a 90+, or you were so bad at it that you don't even know how hard the questions were and will get a score similar to your first one. For what it's worth, your experience sounds fairly similar to mine on AUD and I got a 91 or something like that, so hopefully you'll have the 90+ options. 🙂


    I finished AUD yesterday with only 2 minutes remaining. So many of you are saying you finished in 3 hours or less. Now I'm worried.

    REG 76 Expires 3/2016
    AUD 70, 68, Re-match April


    I had the “same question on testlet 1 and 3” thing happen also. Not sure what it means but someone suggested that they are testing if your answers are consistent. Who knows though.


    In that case, I was not consistent. For that particular question where it came up twice, I narrowed it down to two answer choices. The first time, I selected one of them, and the second time, I selected the other answer choice.


    @determinedtosucceed i had the same issue on my test. had a similar question come up twice. answered it with one of my narrowed down choices the first time and the other narrowed down choice the second time. I hope this didn't hurt me. I took my test last sunday and don't know how to feel. it was my 3rd time taking it so I hope i passed. The first time i took it I bombed the MC, but passed the Sims. The second time I dominated the MC and failed the Sims. This time was hard to tell. Are simulations predetermined? I feel like my first testlet on this last test was pretty easy and I got most of the questions right. the second testlet was pretty hard and I don't think i got that many right. The third was medium, I guess, and im not sure how I did. Then the sims seemed pretty easy, much like the first time when i bombed the MC. the time i passed the MC the sims were much harder. so does this mean i probably bombed the MC? I want a passing grade so bad but its so hard to tell whether i did terrible or good.


    Yes, simulations are pre-determined. Your performance on the MCQs should have no impact on what SIMs you get.

    FAR: May 1st, 2014 - 91
    AUD: May 29th, 2014 - 97!
    BEC: July 16th, 2014 - 91
    REG: August 29th, 2014 - 88

    Licensed December 2015

    Feel free to add me on LinkedIn by clicking my username!


    On AUD I had a similar situation with repeating questions (it was also one of the shorter/easier questions) and passed with a 95 despite walking out feeling like it was 50/50 that I'd pass.

    My recommendation is to save the over-analyzing for when you get your score. Then focus the energy on either celebrating if you pass, or determining what went wrong if you don't pass.

    AUD- 95
    FAR- 75
    BEC- 83
    REG- 85

    Officially done! Exclusively used NINJA for BEC, REG, and FAR


    I had a very similar experience. I feel there is a good chance I failed, but I am just not sure. Very odd.

    Florida CPA!
    Took final exam 2/25/15.
    Sent in Application 3/12/15.
    Issued License 3/20/15.
    Used CPA Excel solely for all exams.


    Didn't pass. I really thought I did well on the sims and thought that would be the deciding factor, guess not.


    Sorry to hear that! Keep fighting, you'll get it soon. In my AUD testing, I had three extremely similar questions in ONE testlet; two that were almost identical. It freaked me out at the time and I thought I failed, but I didn't. Don't worry too much if you see that pattern again.

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