Did anyone pass audit without finishing the simulation?

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  • #1540323

    I just took audit and I feel horrible about the simulation. I had three DRS questions and I was running out of time. I think I did ok on the multiple choice, but now that simulation worth 50% I feel like I failed the exam. I totally missed one part of the simulation and I know I would not get a partial credit for that question. Did anyone pass Audit without finishing one simulation or not answering correctly for whole section? I heard passing stories for FAR and REG after not finishing the exam, but I don’t think I heard anyone passing audit without finishing the exam. I just hope that this question is a pretest question.

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  • #1540339

    Under the old format some people were able to pass without doing all of the sims. Hell, some left like 3 blank and walked away with a pass. But that was the old format. No one knows whether or not you can walk away with a pass under this new format where it's now worth half your overall score.

    In the back of my mind, I think it's impossible to pass unless you did decent on the sims and on mcq.


    It's all an enigma, just keep pushing and wait for your scores.

    FAR 74


    I have a really hard time believing a candidate passed AUD by leaving 3 Sims BLANK. That just doesn't make sense, unless they did extremely well on MCQ and aced the other Sims. But, it could happen so who am I to judge.

    I screwed up on my last retake of AUD and had to completely guess on 2 sims and I did not correctly answer my Research Q. I lost track of time during my Sims and it really screwed me with a score of 73. I honestly thought I would still pass bc at least I was able to guess on them.

    Also, I thought I may have failed BEC and passed with an 87 – go figure!

    This Exam is a crapshoot and sometimes candidates may get lucky with their scores. Goodluck and hope u passed!


    It really does seem like they just pull the scores out of a hat sometimes.

    3 DRS seems absurd since some don't have any. I think it's safe to say that one of them had to have been a test TBS if that makes you feel any better.


    Had 1 DRS on my AUD exam and it was last question. Pretty much didn't have a ton of time to review all the docs so just attempted to get some points but don't think I got many. Got an 81. I would recommend doing DRS first as they take a s%^& load of time.


    I would like to know the answer to this by those who took FAR in Q2. I took it in q3 and did not finish the Sims.


    It is tough to say, but the one you missed could have been pretest. Is it possible to pass without having one sim. Sure it is possible, but just think how it s broken down now. ou could get all of your mc questions correct and then you would still have to get half credit on the sims. MOre than likely you will need a well balanced test more than ever.

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