Audit Exam

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  • #2663601

    I just took the audit exam today, and have no idea how to feel. Is there anything that would be indicative that I did well? I felt okay about the TBS, but completely unsure about the MCQ.

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  • #2663700

    If you did everything you did for your FAR studies you likely got a similar score. I felt like it was up in the air a bit for AUD but once you take some time to reevaluate your performance and let the dust settle you will have a better sense. I was pretty certain after a day or so of thinking about it that I passed AUD. For FAR it was a close call in my book, but thankfully it did enough to pass. Don't stress.


    Thanks for the advice. That makes me feel so much better.


    I take my exam on Saturday and I'm in full on panic mode. I did take the AICPA practice test and did good on it but I just don't know what to expect.

    FAR - 78*
    AUD - 66, 79
    REG - 73, 76
    BEC - 79


    I walked out of BEC completely sure that I had failed.

    I got a 90.


    I have no idea, haha. I took it, thought I nailed it entirely cause I had so many similar mcqs and my sims were almost just like the aicpa practice. Still ended up with a 57. Not even sure how. That's a “You didn't even try” score.


    I took AUD today and also don’t know what to expect . I noticed that MSQs on the second testlet were more tricky than on first. I hope that it is a good sign. Sims were double except one, I wasn’t expected to see Sim on that topic, so just guessed to not leave it blank. It will be a long wait until September 19th.


    I ended up with an 80! Bigstakk was completely right about it being a similar score!


    Congrats! What’s your next stop? REG or BEC? I went with REG and I am eagerly awaiting my score. Us Californians get screwed with the delay in score release. Really hoping I don’t have to take REG again but prepared for any outcome.


    Thank you! That sucks. I didn’t realize each state was different when it came to releasing the scores. I’m taking BEC next. I am currently a tax manager at a firm, and have been doing tax for a long time. I want to save that for last.


    Makes sense. I used to be in audit so I went with AUD first to get on the board and get the clock started. Also was thinking it would be the easiest if I ever needed to retake it if it expires. I see the logic in doing the easiest test last, though. I was under the impression BEC might be the easiest but I’ve seen conflicting reviews on it, so I won’t be taking it lightly. Hoping that’s what I have to take next.

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